cod. 15028

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Lingua e traduzione - lingua inglese (L-LIN/12)
Lingue e traduzioni
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

As well as continuing to develop written and oral language skills and translation strategies acquired during the first year of study, the course aims to provide students with solid general and specific knowledge of the methods of analysis of written and oral texts relating to the language of information and entertainment, representing informal and formal everyday language.
During the course students will learn to:
- recognize and analyze diverse text genres and linguistic registers by applying the theoretical skills they have acquired;
- become more autonomous in the language learning process;
- recognize the pragmatic and communicative intent of different texts (decode the primary and secondary meanings, identify the communicative strategies, the forms of cohesion and relative discourse structure peculiar to the text genre);
- analyze and decode diverse English texts, whose complexity is expressed not only in terms of formal and informal characteristics of the language, but also in terms of lexical, discursive, and ideological choices;
- communicate and discuss in English at the level B2+ of the Common European Framework of Reference, contents, analyses and theories in an appropriate register, i.e. making the necessary lexical and syntactic choices.


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Course unit content

The course, which is taught in English, focuses on intersemiotic translation in its various forms. Initially, the course will present the basic notions of this translation practice and present of a new model of interpretation and translation , which will be applied - during the first part of the course - to the analysis of various genres (from novel to comics/graphic novels). The course will then focus on the analysis of different forms of media discourse for information and persuasive purposes and on the introduction of English for Specific Purposes (in particular, the language of the law).
In the first part, emphasis will be given to theoretical references and tools which are necessary to analyse different linguistic genres. Then, language in advertisements and, partially, in newspapers will be analysed to identify their peculiarities, starting from the theoretical framework presented in the first part of the course. For this purpose, authentic materials will be analyzed. The last part of the course will focus on English for Specific Purposes (ESP). In particular, the course will focus on the analysis and the translation of the language of the law.
As far as practical language competence is concerned, the students will attend throughout the academic year classes held by English language assistants.

Full programme

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M. Canepari: *A new paradigm for translators of literary and non literary texts*, Brill, 2022.

*Linguistica, lingua e traduzione: I fondamenti* (capitoli 4 e 9), Libreria Universitaria, Padova, 2016.
A detailed bibliography on the textual types object of study will be given during the course and clearly indicated in the examination programme.

Texts for developing language skills will also be indicated by the English language assistants at the beginning of the year.

Teaching methods

In class, the lecturer will present the main elements of intersemiotic translation and media discourse in all its varied aspects, indicating a series of prescribed texts that will be indicated on ELLY platform.
The course will include interactive classes, during which students are stimulated to apply the key concepts and theories previously covered through the analysis and discussion of case studies. The course will also include practical classes, devoted to practical applications of the theoretical notions through the translation of texts.
Further suggestions will be given during the course for individual study and analysis with a view to stimulating in the student a high level of independence in approaching textual analysis.
The course held by the lecturer is taught in the second semester. Students will also attend practical lessons held by English language assistants throughout the whole academic year.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation of the knowledge and skills acquired during the course will be carried out by means of a preliminary written test focused on linguistic proficiency and oral examination at the end of the academic year. The knowledge and competences that will be evaluated are as follows:
- written and oral competence in the English language corresponding to the level B2+ (Common European Framework of Reference) and, in particular the acquisition of all language skills (written and spoken) as well as translation strategies from English to Italian and Italian to English in a register appropriate to the text genre and which reflects the communicative functions of the source text;
- knowledge of text features and context, formal, informal and ideological issues relating to the text genre and object of study;
With a view to verifying whether such knowledge and level of competences have been achieved, the aim of the oral examination is to evaluate the ability of the student to re-elaborate, reformulate such knowledge as well as the ability to apply the knowledge and skills gained to text analysis and also apply them at a contrastive level.
The preliminary written test evaluation will be considered insufficient if the student is found lacking in any of the language or translation skills; an evaluation of insufficient (less than 18/30) does not permit access to the oral examination.
A final evaluation of insufficient is determined by the lack on the part of the student: to demonstrate a minimum knowledge of the contents of the course; to express him or herself adequately in English (expected level of B2+) on the topics of the course; to discuss and solve problems regarding the retrieval of information and decoding of complex texts, and to formulate independent critical judgements and opinions. The final evaluation takes into account the competences gained and mark awarded in the preliminary written test.
A final evaluation of sufficient (18-23/30) is determined if the student is able to show that he / or she has mastered the basic notions and contents of the course and is sufficiently able to express them, even simply, at a level of English that at least corresponds in part to the B2+ level. An average mark of (24-27/30) is awarded to the student who can demonstrate he / she possesses a more than sufficient command of the language and theoretical knowledge (24-25/30) or good (26-27/30) according to the above criteria of evaluation. The highest marks (28- 30/30 and merit) are likewise awarded on the basis of a very good to excellent command of the language and theoretical knowledge according to the above criteria of evaluation.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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