cod. 1008107

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Lingua e traduzione - lingue portoghese e brasiliana (L-LIN/09)
Lingue e traduzioni
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to:
- Observe, analyze and discuss fundamental phenomena and aspects of the Portuguese language from a diachronic, diatopic and sociolinguistic perspective.
- Delve into some basic elements of Italian-Portuguese contrastive grammar to identify structural differences at the morphological, lexical, syntactic and textual levels.
- Deepen the observation and analysis of translation problems, flaws and errors.
- To measure oneself with short texts that include specific cultural terms, idiomatic expressions and syntactic issues.
- Confront different types of communicative acts, depending on sender, receiver and extralinguistic context, and diversified text types (describe, argue, regulate, narrate), identifying key ideas with a view to translation.
- Produce short translations of specialized, popular, para-literary and literary texts.


Portuguese / Level B1

Course unit content

The course will focus on the diachronic and diatopic varieties of the Portuguese language (lexicon, morphosyntax and orthography) and on specialized language from the perspective of translation (interlingual, intralingual and audiovisual), with special emphasis on the area of museum tourism. Through the analysis and study of various text types (from short story to comic book, from legal text to instruction manual) methodological, linguistic and sociocultural issues will be observed and commented upon, in order to develop and consolidate linguistic-argumentative strategies, as well as reflection and comparison on specific solutions in the target language.
Papers not included in the bibliography will be found on the course's Elly page.

Full programme

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- AA. VV., Novo Atlas da Língua Portuguesa/New Atlas of the Portuguese Language, INCM, 2016 (VII. Língua como património comum, unidade e diversidade, pp. 172-205).
- BASSNETT, Susan, Estudos de Tradução, Lisboa, Gulbenkian, 2003, pp. 35-73.
- BERMAN A., A Tradução e a Letra ou o Albergue do Longínquo, Florianópolis, PGET-UFSC, 2012, pp. 11-99.
- CUNHA, C., “Língua portuguesa e realidade brasileira”, in ID., Língua portuguesa: política e cultura do idioma, Lisboa, Glaciar, 2016, pp. 87-158.
- OSIMO, B., Manuale del traduttore, Milano, Hoepli, 2011
(cap. 5, pp. 151-195+Glossario)
- VILELA, M., Estudos de Lexicologia do Português, Lisboa, Almedina, 1994, pp. 9-49.

- AA. VV., Museu da Marinha – Peças em destaque, Mapa das Ideias, 2020.
- AA. VV., À Descoberta de Belém. Um roteiro para miúdos e graúdos, Lisboa, Mapa das Ideias, 2020.

Teaching methods

- Lecture
- Guided practice
The first part of the course will be devoted to the study of translation theories and methods, and to an in-depth study of lexical and morphosyntactic differences and similarities among Portuguese language varieties (European, Brazilian and African). Then, from the synoptic and contrastive analysis of some translations (ita-por/por-ita) of diversified text types, semantic, pragmatic, stylistic and discursive aspects will be highlighted and studied. In the second part of the course, selected short passages from descriptive, specialized, argumentative, regulative and narrative texts will be translated, with the aim of developing and consolidating linguistic-argumentative strategies and tools for dealing with problematic nodes arising from the translations.
The final part of the course will be devoted to the study of the specialized language of museum tourism, and will conclude with the translation of of of the illustrated volume "Descobrir Belém. Um roteiro para miúdos e graúdos".

- Reading and linguistic analysis of a text (short story)

Corpus will be uploaded to the Elly platform before the start of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

Verification of knowledge and language skills takes place through an oral exam in Portuguese, preceded by a written test in the language which also includes a translation test based on the topics covered during the course. The knowledge and skills that are intended to be verified in this test are: a competence of the Portuguese language corresponding to level B2 (12 CFU) of the Common European Framework of Reference.
The final grade will be the average of the grade reported in the written test and the grade reported in the oral test.

An assessment of insufficiency is determined by the lack, demonstrated by the student during the oral exam, of a knowledge of the minimum contents of the course; the lack of independent preparation and the inability to solve problems related to the retrieval of information and the decoding of texts. A sufficient evaluation (18-23 / 30) is determined by the learning of the minimum and fundamental contents of the course; by a sufficient autonomous preparation, by the ability to solve problems related to the retrieval of information and the decoding of texts with the formulation of autonomous judgments. The average scores (24-27 / 30) are assigned to the student who has a more than sufficient (24-25 / 30) or good (26-27 / 30) level of the indicators listed above. The highest scores (28-30 / 30 and 30/30 cum laude) are assigned based on the demonstration of an excellent to excellent level of the indicators listed above.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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