cod. 1004570

Academic year 2015/16
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Nutrizione e alimentazione animale (AGR/18)
Discipline della zootecnica, allevamento e nutrizione animale
Type of training activity
52 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: Diet and nutrition, diet and feed technology

Learning objectives

The student must acquire knowledge for chemical and biological evaluation of feeding animals. Must have knowledge about the organizational and managerial aspects of animal feed and be able to possess the techniques for proper diet formulation. The student must show mastery of the factors that influence the digestibility and utilization of food as it should known additives and supplements according to criteria of necessity and function. Must also acquire concepts related to diet and nutritional requirements for different
domestic species in various moments of production and reproduction. Depth must be the knowledge of the laws governing the preparation and sale of all substances of nutritional interest for animals raised.


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Course unit content

The first part of this course takes into account the main aspects of a packet that regulate energy metabolism, protein, vitamin and mineral putting particular emphasis on all the factors that may affect the performance and health status of the animals.

In the second part vencono examined aspects of nutritional requirements and techniques of formulating rations for the main farmed species.

The third part of the course assesses the major occupational diseases resulting from dietary errors, incorrect use of animal feed as well as feed additives.

Full programme


Procurement of raw materials: cereal, cake and flour extraction of oilseed meal of animal origin, feed materials and other products. Receiving, storage and preservation of foods. Quality of raw materials and the finished product. Treatments to improve the nutritional value of individual commodities:
the process of flaking of extrusion, blow molding, micronization and roasting. Heat treatments for the estruction of anti-nutritional factors thermolabile.
Manufacture of compound feedingstuffs: techniques of milling, blending components, addition of liquid, compression of simple and compound feed by the process of pelleting and extrusion.


General properties and nutritional roles of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
The metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in ruminants and monogastric Vitamins: general considerations and definitions. Vitaminosi, avitaminosis. Hypo-, dis-, hypervitaminosis.
Provitamins, antivitamine, needs, deficiencies, units, names, classifications.
Fat-soluble vitamins and idrosulubili: metabolism, signs of deficiency, sources of supply, needs .
The mineral elements: general definitions. Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium,
iron, copper, cobalt, manganese, zinc, iodine and other trace elements.
Metabolism, symptoms deficiency, needs. Sources of supply. The problem of mineral ration in intensive and agrozootecnica within the company.
Food additives, antibiotics, probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes. Generalities, definitions, mechanism of action.
Pigmenting, antioxidants, emulsifiers, flavorings.


Aghina C. and MALETTO S. "Animal feed Technology" Soc Ed Aesculapius
- Antongiovanni M., M. Gualtieri: Animal Nutrition and Feeding, Agricultural Editions of Calderini srl, Bologna, 1998.
- CAVANI, CASTELLINI, etc.. "Poultry and Rabbit" 2008 Point Veterinaire Italie.
- BERTACCHINI F., I. CAMPANI: Manual of pig breeding, published by the Agricultural Calderini srl, Bologna, 2001.
- Bittante G., I. ANDRIGHETTO, Ramanzin M.: Fundamentals of Animal Husbandry, Liviana Publishing Ltd., 1990.
- CASE LP, CAREY DP, DA HIRAKAWA: "The power of the dog and cat." Mosby-Year Book, Inc.
(1997) Edition IAMS reserved.
- MCDONALD, P., EDWARDS RA., GREENHLGH J.F.D. : Animal Nutrition, Ed New Techniques, Milan, 1992.
- NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (NRC): Nutrient requirement of domestic animals: no. 1 Poultry (1994), no. 2 Pigs (1998), no. 3 Dairy Cattie (2001), no. 4 Beef Cattle (2000) Nat. Acad. Sci, Washington. D.C. - SUCCI G.: "LIVESTOCK SPECIAL" Ed CittàStudi Editions 1995.
- Verstegen M: W: A:, MOUGHAN PJ, SCHRAMA JW: The lactating sow, Wageningen Pers,
Wageninge, The Netherlands, 1998 ..

Teaching methods

The course of ANIMAL FEEDING, NUTRITION AND TECHNICAL FEEDSTUFF provides for the holding of lectures by the projections of power point slides and other materials to help engage the student in the different phases of the educational activity. Classroom activities are designed to raise awareness of the current computer applications for animal feed as well as tutorials at farms with the aim of identifying practical solutions to the problems outlined theoretical.

Assessment methods and criteria

The oral examination is expected to ensure the achievement of the objectives of the course. The student must demonstrate expertise detailed issues that govern the basis of animal as well as demonstrate adequate mastery of nutritional factors that may cause and / or the cause of the main technopathies breeding. Through questions about the role of power in the process of optimization of performance and prevention of nutritional disorders will be determined whether the student has achieved the aim of applying the acquired knowledge.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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