cod. 15035

Academic year 2017/18
3° year of course - Annual
Nicoletta CABASSI
Academic discipline
Slavistica (L-LIN/21)
Lingue e traduzioni
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

• Gaining a solid training and proficiency in written and spoken Russian language level B2.
• Being able to communicate and apply their knowledge in an autonomous and independent in the context of everyday communication but also handle complex qualified goals.


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Course unit content

• deepening simple and complex syntax of the period; analysis of specific grammatical topics : review of time; pronouns (negative , indefinite) , verbs (verbs of motion, temporal category: gerunds, participles , analysis of the aspectual category) ;
• translation of texts of various types of communication. Contrastive analysis of the problems of translation from Russian into Italian and vice versa;
• enrichment of vocabulary and cultural studies (stranovedenie, kulturologija).

Full programme

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Anikina M. N., Sintaksis slozhnopodchinennogo predlozhenija, Russkij jazyk, Moskva 2000
Basko N. V., Izučaem russkij, uznaem Rossiju, Flinta - Nauka, M. 2005
Bojcov I. A., Šiškov M. S., Udači, Mir, Spb. 2012
Cadorin E.- Kukushkina I., Verbo e sintassi russa in pratica, Hoepli, Milano 2007
Cevese C., Dobrovolskaja Ju., Sintassi russa. Teoria ed esercizi, Hoepli, Milano 2005
Chavronina S. A.- Sirocenskaja A. I., Il russo . esercizi. Il punto editoriale, Roma 2007
Dobrovolskaja Ju., Il russo per italiani, Hoepli, Torino 2011
Esmantova T., Russkij Jayzk, 5 elementov, Zlatoust, Spb. 2011
Gancikov A., Russo. Esercizi di livello avanzato. Vallardi, Milano 2001
Glazunova I., Grammatika russkogo jazyka v uprazhnenijakh. Sintaksis, Zlatoust, Spb. 2010
Fici F., Fedotova N., La lingua russa del 2000, vol. I, Le Lettere, Firenze 2008
Ivanova I. S., Karamysheva L. M. et alii, Sintaksis, Zlatoust, Spb. 2009
Ivanova I. S. et alii, Prakticeskij sintaksis, ed. Russkij jazyk, Kursy, M. 2004
Langran J., Molodec. Parliamo il russo 3, Hoepli, Milano 2014
Laskareva E. R., Chistaja grammatica, Zlatoust, Spb. 2006
Nikitina N., Esercizi di lingua russa, Hoepli, Milano 2013
Novikova N. S. – Scerbakova, Udivitel’nye Istorii, Flinta-Nauka, M. 2010
Perillo F. S., La lingua russa all’Università, Fonetica, Morfologia e sintassi, Cacucci, Bari 2000
Skvorcova G. L., Glagoly dviženija bez ošibok, Russkij Jazyk, M. 2004.

Teaching methods

• Lectures and practical exercises in the classroom. The course also provides self-learning materials selected by the teachers of Russian.
• Students not attending (especially russian speakers) are requested to contact the teacher.

Assessment methods and criteria

• Written exam is a prerequisite for the oral examination :

- Written examination includes:
- grammar test Italian - russian (dictionary is not allowed);
- translation from russian to test the understanding of the original text and the quality of italian expression (dictionary is allowed) ;
- audio test

• the oral examination consists of reading, translation, summary and linguistic analysis of class readings during the year and of the homework texts, in order to verify the theoretical knowledge of the student, as well as conversation on topics covered in class.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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