cod. 1010470

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Veronica LOLLI
Academic discipline
Chimica degli alimenti (CHIM/10)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
16 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: Chemical composition of raw materials

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand: During the course, the student will have to acquire a basic knowledge of the chemical composition of foods, the characteristics of the different components, and their influence on the properties of the food. The student will have to acquire the ability to correlate and integrate general aspects with the specific characteristics of individual foods, thus understanding the correlation between composition and quality.
Skills: The student must be able to use the knowledge acquired to understand and enhance the quality of raw materials.
Making judgments: The student must be able to define which parameters and which characteristics can act on the quality of the raw materials.
Communication skills: The student must be able to use language appropriately
scientific knowledge and the specific vocabulary of food chemistry, demonstrating the ability to illustrate and transmit the concepts acquired in oral and written form.
Learning skills: The student who has attended the course will be able to deepen their own
knowledge in the field of Food Chemistry, through independent consultation of specialist texts and sector magazines.


Basic knowledge of fundamentals in inorganic and organic chemistry

Course unit content

Main macro components in food: water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins. Chemical characterization of grains, meat, oils and fats. Fundamentals about reactions occurring upon heating, pH changes, and oxygen exposure

Full programme


Mannina, Daglia, Ritieni – La chimica e gli alimenti: nutrienti e aspetti nutraceutici. Ed. Zanichelli

Teaching methods

Taught class with case studies

Assessment methods and criteria

The final exam will be written, consisting of 4 open questions.
The two exams (theory and laboratory) will be held in the same day.
Maximum 2 hours.

Other information