The prerequisite knowledge required for effective learning of the first-year teaching activities are: Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology, which can be acquired in the course of secondary education.
The adequacy of the basic preparation will be verified on the basis of the result obtained in a specific test to be held during the first semester.
The negative outcome of the test entails the assignment of an Additional Educational Obligation (OFA) for each subject in which the minimum required score is not achieved.
The Test of basic knowledge will focus on the following topics:
- Mathematics
Greatest common divisor and least common multiple. Operations between powers, roots, literal calculus, arithmetic, elementary geometry, percentages, first degree equations, simple systems of equations, equation of the straight line in the Cartesian plane.
- Biology (basics)
Living organisms: characteristics at different levels of organization. Biological molecules. Glycides, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. Organization at the cellular level. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. Animal cell and plant cell. Cell cycle. From unicellular to multicellular. Differentiation and specialization of cells. Transmission of genetic information.
- Chemistry
The atomic model. The states of matter. Chemical reaction. Concept of mole. Acids and bases. The chemical bond. The periodic table. The solutions.
The test takes place via the ELLY platform after authentication via the University's e-mail credentials, it is mandatory for all first year students and consists of 3 sections:
- Mathematics (6 questions);
- General chemistry (7 questions);
- Biology (7 questions);
for a total of 20 multiple choice questions. For each question there are 3 answers of which only one is correct.
To pass the test it is necessary to correctly answer at least 3 Mathematics questions, 3 Biology questions and 3 Chemistry questions, otherwise an OFA will be awarded in the subject in which the minimum score has not been reached.
The duration of the test is 30 minutes, during which it is possible to end it at any time.
After 30 minutes, the test will end automatically, the answers will be saved and the score obtained will still be recorded.
For the entire duration of the test it is possible to browse through the sections and questions and modify the answers already given.
At the end of the test the result will be displayed on the screen.
The outcome of the test will also be communicated by e-mail to the institutional address ( within 7 days following the test.
The Elly 2022 portal page dedicated to the test is already accessible at this address: after authentication with the University credentials (see point 4 of the Test Guide)
The tests will not be available before the date scheduled for their execution.
The assignment of an OFA implies that the student will not be able to take the exams.
The OFA is considered to have been fulfilled upon passing the test.
The test will take place in person at the room "Aula 1 QuAM" of the "Palazzo Tommasini" complex on the following dates:
The methods of carrying out the test are illustrated in the following GUIDE.