Learning objectives
In the modern agri-food system, the certifications of products, services and processes carried out by private bodies or public bodies provide a managerial framework for companies and an important cognitive toolThe certification takes the form of a verification document that certifies compliance with certain standards or technical requirements
(hygienic-sanitary, procedural, qualitative) today unavoidable to companies operating both on national and international markets. for consumers.
1st year courses
Course unit content
certification scheme
Full programme
What is meant by certification
The actors of certification
Why certifications
certifications of (process/product), (mandatory/voluntary),
methods of application (regulated/unregulated),
their purpose
(enhancement of hygienic-sanitary, organoleptic, environmental, nutritional qualities,
Signs of certifications
Case examples
slides and others materials
Teaching methods
In presence lessons, MOOC, seminars, visits,
Assessment methods and criteria
Orale xamiantion
Other information