Learning objectives
Applying knowledge and understanding: Being able to identify apply the concepts explained during the classes within the laboratory activities proposed.
Communication skills: Being able to present his/her own work developed during the laboratory classes, supporting and discussing the final results obtained. In addition, discussion with the lecturer will serve to boost the implementation of the knowledge and skills acquired.
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Course unit content
- Group work and discussion on nutrition hot topic
- Food label evaluation of commercially available products
- Food label preparation
- Presentation of a group or individual work group
Full programme
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Mariani Costantini, Cannella, Tomassi: ALIMENTAZIONE E NUTRIZIONE UMANA - il Pensiero Scientifico (Roma). Terza edizione, 2016.
Slides and scientific articles provided by the lecturer
Crea: Linee guida per una sana alimentazione. 2018. https://www.crea.gov.it/web/alimenti-e-nutrizione/-/linee-guida-per-una-sana-alimentazione-2018
Teaching methods
Laboratory will be mainly based on group or individual activities, supported by the teaching material which will be uploaded on the Elly platform.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination at the end of the activities.
The final activities will be delivered to the lecturer, discussed using a power point presentation and evaluated using a 0-4 marks.
This mark will be added to that obtain during the oral examination.
Other information
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