cod. 1008451

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - Second semester
Ferdinando GAZZA
Academic discipline
Anatomia degli animali domestici (VET/01)
Discipline zootecniche e delle produzioni animali
Type of training activity
51 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

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Course unit content

The following topics will be addressed during the course:
Description of the muscles that constitute the anatomical basis of typical charcuterie products and meat cuts.
Post mortem modifications of the muscle.
Factors affecting the meat quality.
Halves sectioning techniques.
Type of Bovine meat cuts and their use in food products.
Swine meat cut for butchery and charcuterie products
Techniques for preparing typical charcuterie products, both ground and unground, such as: “culatello”, “fiocchetto”, “spalla cruda e cotta”, “pancetta”, “coppa”, “lardo”, “salame”, “zampone” e “cotechino”.

Full programme

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Bortolami R., Callegari E., Clavenzani P., Beghelli V.
Anatomia e Fisiologia degli Animali Domestici

Lawrie R.A. Scienza della Carne. Edagricole.

Bressanini D. La scienza della carne. Ed. Gribaudo

Teaching methods

The course consists of theoretical lessons and practical activities.
The theoretical lessons deal with the anatomy of muscles (miology), the anatomical bases of the various meat cuts and the study of leading phenomena for transformation of muscles into meat.
The practical activities, organized through expert interventions or guided visits to manufacturing of the sector, consist of section of animal halves and preparation of the main typical products of the Italian charcuterie products.
Considering the status of the health emergency the lectures could be done in synchronous-streaming on the Teams platform through power point presentation and videos.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of the course objectives is carried out through an oral exam. The question focuses on the preparation steps of typical Italian charcuterie products.
In case of the persistence of the health emergency, the exams will be conducted remotely, and the exam modalities could be changed. During the exam it will be verified whether the student has achieved the objective of knowledge, understanding of the contents and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge. The grades, which are expressed with a grade out of thirty, are communicated immediately at the end of the exam.
For students with certified D.S.A. (law 170/2010) specific support methods are envisaged.

Other information

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