cod. 1008445

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Zootecnica generale e miglioramento genetico (AGR/17)
Discipline zootecniche e delle produzioni animali
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The student will be able to know and understand the genetic issues that involve a) the management of small animal populations (effective population size, inbreeding) and b) the selection of populations for productive, reproductive and functional traits, both with traditional methods and with the application of genomic methods (1st indicator of Dublin); the student will then be able to apply this knowledge through the use of specific software, related to genomic databases or to management, applied to real populations (2nd Dublin indicator), both with small size and under selection; will be stimulated to develop independence in the evaluation (3rd Dublin indicator); the student must be able to acquire appropriate technical language (4th indicator of Dublin), also through the use of teaching material in English and by means of discussion with the teacher during the lessons; finally, the student will have to be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills (5th indicator of Dublin) in the practical conditions, in order to deal with the application of the above mentioned knowledge in a professional context.


The basic knowledge acquired after a course in General Livestock Production and Genetic Improvement (SSD AGR / 17) is useful

Course unit content

The course deals with two main aspects of sustainability and innovation in the field of animal production: on one hand, the management of small populations and the genetic improvement of functional traits in the specialised ones; on the other, the use of genomic information in animal breeding.

Full programme


Pagnacco G. (2016): GENETICA ANIMALE Applicazioni zootecniche e veterinarie, Casa editrice Ambrosiana, MI.

BROWN T.A. (2018):
Genomes 4, Garland Science Taylor & Francis Group

Teaching methods

The course is based on lectures, characterized by the projection of slides that are made available to the student on the Elly-Veterinary platform before the beginning of the lessons. During the lessons genetic software will also be used, which will be illustrated by the teacher and applied directly in the classroom.

Assessment methods and criteria

The achievement of the objectives will be assessed through a first written examination at the end of the course with 5 open questions. The students that will pass the written exam, will follow an oral examination.
There are no ongoing verification activities, other than those, of an exclusively optional nature, relating to the presentation and discussion of a scientific article, chosen from a range of possibilities offered by the teacher. During the examination, this activity will be taken into consideration with a weight equal to 35% of the final grade. During the final oral exam, in addition to knowledge of the topics in the program, the student will have to demonstrate, through the development and solution of specific problems, already addressed theoretically and practically in the classroom during the lessons, to have acquired good reasoning and exposure. For students with a diagnosis of specific learning disabilities (DSA), certified according to law 170/2010, specific support methods are provided.

Other information

The seminar activity is considered as part of the course, so it will be included in the material to be studied for the exam.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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