cod. 1008525

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Microbiologia agraria (AGR/16)
Discipline delle tecnologie alimentari
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The Industrial Microbiology course aims to enable the student to autonomously draw conclusions regarding the industrial use of microorganisms and the processes that can be used to produce biomass and metabolites in line with what is defined in the specific objectives of the Master Degree Course.

The expected learning outcomes are: 1) knowledge and understanding of the factors that regulate the use of microorganisms for industrial purposes in order to understand their technological transformation role; 2) the ability to analyze existing processes and plants from a microbiological point of view to evaluate performance, adequacy and possible improvements both in terms of performance and safety and quality as well as potential innovative applications; 3) independent capacity to evaluate the effect of environmental and technological parameters , on cell duplication for the production of biomass, metabolites and fermented foods; to collect and critically interpret data on fermentatively processed foods; 4) Written and oral communication skills through scientifically correct vocabulary; Ability to present, transmit and disseminate information on topics related to industrial microbiology (from production to consumption); Ability to communicate with experts or non-experts in the food processing field, ability to communicate and collaborate in group work in the food sector; 5) ability to learn by consulting bibliographic material and databases relating to microorganisms and their industrial exploitation; ability to critically consult websites relating to microorganisms and their industrial exploitation; ability to profitably participate in seminars and training study days; ability to autonomously expand one's scientific and cultural background and keep up-to-date on the most recent scientific and technological developments connected to the world of fermented foods; ability to perform the doctorate in the field of biotechnology and food science.


Basic knowledge of microbiology and food microbiology.

Course unit content

The Industrial Microbiology course is divided into two co-teaching parts:
The first part of the course (Prof. Monica Gatti) is related to the concept of food transformation by fermentation. Specifically, the concepts related to:
• sterility, stability and food safety
• spontaneous and driven fermentations
• fermentation starter
The second part of the course (Prof. Elena Bancalari) is related to the more specific use of microorganisms for industrial purposes. Specifically, the following topics will be covered:
• growth kinetics, isolation, characterization of microorganisms
• industrial fermentation and Batch, Fed-batch and Continuous fermenters
• meaning of the Monod equation and its applications
• growth substrates, biomass production and primary and secondary metabolite production
• process up stream and down stream
• principles of process modeling and Scaling up of fermentation processes
• case studies

Full programme

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- PRINCIPLES OF FERMENTATION TECHNOLOGY; Stanbury and Whitaker - Pergamo Press (1984)
BIOTECNOLOGIE MICROBICHE; Donadio and Marino - Ambrosiana (2008)

Luca Cocolin Marco Gobbetti Erasmo Neviani “Microbiologia alimentare applicata” (2022) Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. Distribuzione esclusiva Zanichelli. ISBN 8808120074
Principles of Fermentation Technology
3rd Edition - August 31, 2016
Authors: Peter F Stanbury, Allan Whitaker, Stephen Hall

PRINCIPLES OF FERMENTATION TECHNOLOGY; Stanbury and Whitaker - Pergamo Press (1984)

Slides of lessons

Teaching methods

The theoretical topics of the course are explained by means of slide-lectures and will be carried out with the help of slides that represent educational material for students. Slides will be available on line. The slides and the notes used to support the lessons will be loaded at the beginning of the course on the Elly platform.
Basis and applications of industrial food microbiology will be discussed during lessons. The study, elaboration and discussion of specific "study cases (exercises and business cases)" are proposed on the practical parts of the course and could permit to verify the student comprehension and elaboration capacity.
During the exercises carried out in class, students will be required to apply the theory to real case studies or to projects developed according to the methodological criteria illustrated in the lessons and in the bibliographic and teaching material provided.
If it is not possible to hold the lessons in person, the lessons will
be carried out in live streaming or recorded and uploaded on the elly
platform, to guarantee students the opportunity to complete the training
course. In the case of remote lessons, video materials and readings will
be used to accompany what is covered in the lessons. In both cases,
there are moments of discussion with the students to clarify and fix the
most important topics

Assessment methods and criteria

The final learning check will be carried out through a single written exam organized
in open and closed questions. Questions will be aimed to verify the
comprehension of the main themes presented during the different lessons.
The final exam will be divided into 3 parts as follows:
1. The first part consists of 10 questions which verify the achievement of the minimum knowledge of the fundamental concepts of the course. For this reason, only if the answer to all the questions (with closed answers) is correct, will the subsequent parts be evaluated. The time available is 10 minutes.
2. The second part consists of 31 questions with closed answers designed to evaluate the level of knowledge acquired in all the topics covered. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Wrong or missing answers are worth 0 points. The achievement of the threshold of the sufficiency of this second part is binding for the correction of the third part. The sufficiency of 18/30 is achieved with at least 18 correct answers. The mark obtained in the second part will weigh 50% on the final vote. The time available is 30 minutes.
3. The third part consists of two open-ended questions where the student must demonstrate that he knows how to apply the acquired competence. The answer to the two questions is also evaluated basing on how well the student is able to express himself correctly, with the specific scientific language of food microbiology. Each answer counts 15 points so that the assessment of the third party will be expressed in 30ths.
The results are published on the ESSE3 portal ( within a reasonable time, compatible with the number of enrolled students. Students can view the exam and discuss the mistakes made, by making an appointment with the teacher.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

Quality assurance office

Education manager
Rag. Andrea Barchi
T. +39 0521 906430
E. servizio

President of the degree course

Prof.ssa Claudia Folli


Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Marilena Musci


Tutor professor

Prof.ssa Valentina Bernini

Erasmus delegate

Prof.ssa Barbara Prandi 



Career guidance delegates

prof. Francesca Bot



prof. Pedro Miguel Mena Parreno