Transfers and course transitions

A student enrolled at another university who wishes to study at our university or who is enrolled at this university and wishes to study elsewhere may apply for a transfer.
In the first case it is an incoming transfer, in the second an outgoing transfer.
If the student is enrolled at this University, but wishes to change degree course, he/she may apply for a change of course.
A student who has enrolled in a given academic year may apply, by the deadline for the second instalment of fees and without any charge, for an option to another course of study. After this date, the option is no longer allowed and it is necessary to apply for a change of course.

Transfers and transitions Second cycle Degree Food science and technology

For the academic year 2024/2025, transfers and transitions to the first year are not accepted. 
For the academic year 2024/2025, transfers and transitions to the second year are accepted from 01/08/24 (opening) to 27/09/2024 (closing date) For transfers and transitions to the second year, the student must verify that he/she has obtained a minimum of 40 ECTS credits as resulting from his/her previous career in the following SSDs:  AGR/01 - AGR/15 - AGR/16 - BIO/10 - CHIM/01 - CHIM/02 -CHIM/06 - CHIM/10 - ING-IND/10-11 - MED/49 

Procedure for transfers

A student who is enrolled at another university and wants to come to study at our university can apply for a transfer. 
Enrolment must be carried out online:…, upon receipt of the documentation relating to previous careers sent by the university to which they belong to the University of Parma. 
It should be noted that the paper/computer documentation relating to the student's previous career sent by the university of origin must be registered on entry by the University of Parma well in advance, since the Student registry office, once in possession of the incoming leave, will notify the student by e-mail of receipt of the official document from the university of origin. 
At this point, the student can enrol by following the online enrolment instructions.


Procedure for course transitions

In order to be able to apply for a transfer, the student must ask his or her current Student registry office to invoice the first instalment for the academic year and the virtual stamp. The bulletins will be downloadable from the PAYMENTS section of its webpage.
Ref: Student Guide

Students intending to transfer or transfer to 2^CD Food science and technology must also complete the request for validation of examinations and submit it to within the prescribed deadlines General regulations For purely administrative aspects, the candidate must always refer to the Prospectus published annually on the University website.
he enrolment application can only be submitted online, according to the procedures listed on the Manifesto degli Studi.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

Quality assurance office

Education manager
Rag. Andrea Barchi
T. +39 0521 906430
E. servizio

President of the course

Prof.ssa Claudia Folli


Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Marilena Musci


Tutor professor

Prof.ssa Valentina Bernini

Erasmus delegate

Prof.ssa Barbara Prandi 


Career guidance delegates

prof. Francesca Bot


Advising and guidance delegates

prof. Valentina Bernini



prof. Pedro Miguel Mena Parreno