Welcome Day 2024-2025
All'inizio di ogni anno accademico i Corsi di Studio afferenti al Dipartimento organizzano per le matricole un Welcome Day: “lezioni zero” con l'obiettivo di migliorare l’esperienza dello studente fornendo indicazioni sugli aspetti didattici specifici del percorso di studio intrapreso: servizi offerti dall'Ateneo e dal Corso, attività teoriche e pratiche previste dal piano degli studi, tutorato, modalità di organizzazione e svolgimento del tirocinio, opportunità di mobilità internazionale, modalità di pianificazione della tesi, percorsi post-lauream.
Informazioni al link https://saf.unipr.it/node/5155
Open Day 2024-2025
The course in brief
The Second-cycle Degree Course in Food Science and Technology is aimed at Italian and foreign students interested in topics related to food production technology, food safety and quality.
The Second-cycle Degree Course is structured in such a way as to represent the natural continuation of studies for graduates with university degrees in Food Science and Technology and Gastronomic Science, but it may also be of interest to graduates in other scientific-technical disciplines in the fields of chemistry, biology and engineering with an appropriate curriculum.
The main objective of the Second-cycle Degree Course in Food Science and Technology is to provide students with a high level of knowledge, skills and competences that will enable them to work in the food industry with guiding tasks and in positions that require independent processing and decision-making.
The training of the Second-cycle Degree in Food Science and Technology is such that, at the end of the course of study, he/she will acquire the following knowledge and skills:
- solid basic knowledge in the fields of physics, technical physics, computer science, statistics, chemistry, physical chemistry and biology oriented to the applicative aspects of the food sector; - solid knowledge of the scientific method apt to finalise basic and operative knowledge to the solution of the multiple technical and organisational problems of the food sector; - ability to optimise production, conservation and distribution processes and to contribute to the management of research and industrial development projects; - ability to manage and promote food quality and safety in compliance with the regulations on operator safety and environmental protection - ability to adequately carry out complex coordination and guidance activities relating to the agro-food sector; - high technical competence in verifying the organoleptic, hygienic and nutritional quality of foodstuffs, also with the use of innovative methodologies - basic competence in the management and organisation of companies, agro-food supply chains and related consultancy and service companies; - ability to communicate, work in multidisciplinary teams and judgement on both the technical, economic, human and ethical levels; For the purposes indicated, the curriculum of the Second-cycle Degree Course in Food Science and Technology provides:
- the acquisition of in-depth knowledge of the specific technological aspects of the food sector and related sectors, both general and specialised; - activities and practical exercises dedicated to the knowledge of experimental and control methods and data processing; - activities aimed at deepening knowledge of traditional and innovative technologies; - in relation to specific objectives, external activities such as work placements in companies, public administration structures and laboratories, as well as facilitating study stays at other Italian and European universities, also within the framework of international agreements.
Erasmus and Overworld programmes are promoted and fostered in order to foster an internationalisation-oriented educational environment by encouraging the mobility of students for study stays, internships and dissertations abroad.