cod. 1010421

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - First semester
Alessandro PETRAGLIA
Academic discipline
Botanica ambientale e applicata (BIO/03)
Formazione agro-biologica di base
Type of training activity
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: Animal and Plant Biodiversity in agroecosystems

Learning objectives

The course will illustrate the main concepts related to understanding the role of plants on our planet. Through the introduction of the fundamental concepts of ecology, students will understand that the biological homogenization of ecosystems, emblematic of the intensive management of agricultural activities, leads to the loss of numerous ecosystem services and the reduction of environmental sustainability. Keeping biodiversity high is one of the strategies for promoting environmental sustainability. It is possible to measure biodiversity and, therefore, to monitor the effects of the current management of each agronomic practice. In this way it will be possible to trigger a virtuous process of pursuing the objectives of maintaining ecosystem services.


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Course unit content

Plants and their role on our planet.
Plant biodiversity in agricultural environments.
Plant ecology and ecology.
Ecosystems, sustainability and ecosystem services.
The ecosystem services provided by cultivated plants and those provided by plants that cohabit the same environments.
Measure plant biodiversity. Monitor the effects of agronomic interventions. Evaluate the sustainability of the management of the agricultural environment in terms of maintaining ecosystem services and plant biodiversity.
Exercises aimed at measuring plant biodiversity in the field. Monitoring planning. Systematization of data. Exploration of the results.

Full programme

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F. CAPORALI - Agricoltura e servizi ecologici - Città Studi Edizioni

M.A. ALTIERI, C.I. NICHOLLS e L. PONTI - Agroecologia. Una via percorribile per un pianeta in crisi

Teaching methods

Lectures in which the topics of the course will be addressed, which will be presented by the teacher and discussed through active interaction with the students.
Practical activities aimed at measuring plant biodiversity in the field. Systematization of data. Exploration of the results.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination consists of a written test (multiple choice test, 30 questions) aimed at verifying the ability of the student to tackle problems of plant biology and diversity using the methodological principles and knowledge acquired during the course.
Passing the written test will lead to the oral test which will be aimed at evaluating the student's ability to make cross-connections between the various topics covered.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

This teaching contributes to the realization of the UN objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development