cod. 1010080

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Storia della scienza e delle tecniche (M-STO/05)
Istituzioni di filosofia
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

- to understand the meaning of the concept of information and its kinds;
- to know the origins of the information society;
- to understand the historical and philosophical aspects of the production and circulation of information, especially scientific information;
-to be able to identify and analyze different forms of organization and presentation of information in the digital environment.


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Course unit content

The course analyzes the concept of information in relation to that of knowledge and traces the history of practices related to these concepts from the modern to the contemporary age. Fundamental issues considered include: the modes of production and circulation of information introduced by modern science, the origins of the information society, and the transformations taking place in the ways in which our digital society deals with information, especially scientific information.

Full programme

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L. Floridi, La rivoluzione dell’informazione, Codice, 2012 (capitoli scelti); P. Burke, Dall’Encyclopédie a Wikipedia, Il Mulino, 2013 (capitoli scelti); dispensa di saggi e testi forniti dal docente sulla piattaforma del corso.

Teaching methods

The course is divided into two parts. The first part is introductory and theoretical and takes place on e-learning platform. It consists of recorded video lectures, webinars and discussion forums; the mode of interaction with students is mainly asynchronous. The second part is seminar-based and takes place in presence, with the involvement of students in the discussion of cases, group work and oral reports. In the second part the forum work on the platform will also continue.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam consists of a written paper and an oral discussion in which the student must demonstrate the achievement of the course objectives. In particular, the student must have learned the fundamental concepts that define information, the main aspects of its history and be able to identify and analyze scientific information in concrete cases. The evaluation is structured as follows: 25% the quantity and quality of participation in online activities; 50% the quality of the written work; 25% the oral interview.

Other information

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