cod. 1005330

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Storia moderna (M-STO/02)
Istituzioni di filosofia
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The student will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between events and their historiographical interpretations. The student will also be expected to demonstrate a knowledge of the essential lineages of European and Global history from the end of the XV century up to the mid-19th century.


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Course unit content

The course aims to provide students with:
- the ability to confront complex historiographical topics based on a sound knowledge of the lineages of Early Modern History as well as to read and critique documents and historical interpretations;
- the means to apply methodologies and notions acquired in analysing present day problems in the light of their historical origins;
- autonomy in evaluating interpretations of historical issues and in studying documentary sources. The ability to communicate at various levels the results of any research.

Full programme

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1. Dal volume di Autori Vari, Storia moderna, Manuali Donzelli, 1998, è richiesta la lettura dei contributi di P. DEL NEGRO; F. BENIGNO; E. FASANO; R. PASTA; G. ABBATISTA; A.M. RAO.
2. Carlo GALLI, Guerra, Laterza 2006
3. UN testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
W. BARBERIS, Le armi del Principe, Einaudi, 1988
F. BARBIERATO, Politici e ateisti, Unicopli, 2006
M. BELLABARBA, La giustizia nell’Italia moderna, Laterza, 2008
E. FASANO GUARINI, Potere e società negli stati regionali italiani del ‘500 e ‘600, Il Mulino, 1978
E. FUMAGALLI e G. SIGNOROTTO, La corte estense nel primo Seicento, Viella 2012
C. MOZZARELLI, Mantova e i Gonzaga, Utet, 1987
A. MUSI, La rivolta d Masaniello. Nella scena politica barocca, Guida 2002
P. PRODI, Il sovrano pontefice, Il Mulino, 1982
G. SIGNOROTTO, Milano spagnola, Sansoni 2002

Per i NON FREQUENTANTI non si prevede lo studio di altri testi, ma si raccomanda di affrontare gli argomenti del programma con l'ausilio di un manuale universitario di Storia moderna.

Teaching methods

Visits to archives and libraries will also be organised.
The lecturer will illustrate resources available on-line providing research guidelines.
External academics and scholars will be invited to hold seminars to discuss their research.

Assessment methods and criteria

• Final examination: oral.
• The examination will verify: the critical ability to analyse historical issues and their historiographical interpretations; the ability to analyse historical issues and their historiographical reconstruction; the ability to understand and evaluate Early Modern documents.
• The student will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between events and their historiographical interpretations. The student will also be expected to demonstrate a knowledge of the essential lineages of European and Global history from the end of the XV century up to the mid-19th century.
The student will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between events and their historiographical interpretations. The student will also be expected to demonstrate a knowledge of the essential lineages of European and Global history from the end of the XV century up to the mid-19th century.

Other information

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