Learning objectives
Adequate knowledge of some fundamental aspects of Judaic thought; critical assessment and comparison between different interpretations of the biblical texts (I Dublin descriptor)
Writing of essays in which the hermeneutical methods used in the course will be applied (II Dublin descriptor)
Ability of arguing and communicating about lines of thought examined during the course, and of developing them autonomously (III, IV, V descriptor)
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Course unit content
The course takes in account a well known aspect of Jewish culture: humour. In the first part we'll examine many ironic passages of the Bible. Afterwards we'll dwell upon the great period of Witz in the East Europe between XIX and XX century. At last we'll deal with the contemporary world, period in which the humour becomes especially show.
Full programme
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Bibliografia, Giona (in qualsiasi edizione della Bibbia); Shalom Alechem, La storia di Tewje il lattivendolo, Feltinelli, Milano 2000; M. Ventura (ed.), E Dio sorrise. Nella Bibbia e oltre, Morcelliana, Brescia 2014; D. Vogelmann, Le mie migliori. Barzellette Ebraiche, Giuntina, Firenze 2010.
Teaching methods
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation is based on an oral exam, which may be supplemented by a discussion of a written dissertation by the student. The final score will result from the assessment of the student’s performance in the oral (and in case written) exposition and argumentation
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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