Learning objectives
It aims to provide specific discipline knowledges and adequate analityc, argumentative skills. In particular, it aims to train to critically assess philosophical textes, together with the ability to interpret the authors in . Seminars are devoted to train students to build valid arguments and assess their logical tenability. (Descriptor I)
To this purpose, students are strongly encouraged to participate to class discussion with a presentation about a critical review of a chapter in bibliography, and a final essay with a critical and argumentative account of the philosophical problem chosen. (Descriptor II)
The basic knowledge of the philosophy of 18th and 19th century
Course unit content
The coruse concerns the meaning and use of the concept of "category" in Kant and in other philosophers of the post-kantian debate mostly critical to him: Fichte, Schelling, Herbart, Schopenhauer.
Full programme
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Immnuel Kant, Critica della Ragion Pura, (various editions parts)
Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Fondamenti dell'intera Dottrina della Scienza, Laterza (parts)
Schelling, Dell'Io come principio della filosofia, Cronopio 2001 (parts)
Herbart, Punti principali della metafisica (Theleme, 2001), Manuale di psicolologia (Armando, 1982), (parts)
Schopenhauer, Critica della filosofia kantiana - Appendice al Mondo come volonta e rappresentazione,varous editions (parts)
Massimo Ferrari, Categorie e a priori, Il Mulino, capp. 1-3
A Manual of History of modern philosophy
Teaching methods
Lectures and seminars on the class discussion of texts and arguments of the course
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral and written examination possibly with final essay according to needs and interests of the student
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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