cod. 1005474

Academic year 2013/14
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Storia della filosofia medievale (M-FIL/08)
Storia della filosofia
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course is addressed to students who already have some specific
expertise and acquaintance with medieval philosophy. It aims to enhance
students' capacity of making critical, informed and independent
judgment especially in the field of medieval philosophy, their
communication skills and continue learning (Descriptors III-V of Dublin).
In particular, the course aims to provide students with the following
knowledge and understanding skills (Descriptor I of Dublin): 1.1) detailed
knowledge of the medieval philosophical, theological and scientific
thought; 1.2) reading skills and in-depth understanding and comparison
of the classics of medieval philosophy, both in the original Latin and in
Italian translation; 1.3) critical assessment and comparison of the
different interpretations of texts and topics, and of their significance for
the historiography of medieval philosophy. The course also aims to
provide students with the following abilities to apply the acquired
knowledge and understanding skills (Descriptor II of Dublin): 2.1) writing
of text-documented and argument-based papers, practice of oral
expositions; 2.2) application to contemporary issues and debates of the
methodology and the argumentative techniques developed in the
historico-philosophical tradition.


It is recommended an acquaintance with the Latin and a good knowledge of the history of ancient and medieval philosophy

Course unit content

Body and soul in medieval thought. The course propose to read some texts on the problem of the nature of the soul and its relationship with the body from Augustine to the thirteenth century. Milestones in this process are: the Augustinian treatises on the soul, the twelfth-century Cistercian reflection, the circulation of the texts by Avicenna and Aristotle on the soul.

Full programme

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Tentative Bibliography:
- Agostino, Sull'anima, introduzione, traduzione, note e apparati di Giovanni Catapano. - Milano : Bompiani testi a fronte, 2003
- L’anima dell'uomo : trattati sull'anima dal 5. al 9. secolo ; introduzione, traduzione e note di Ilario Tolomio, Milano : Rusconi, 1979
- Guglielmo di Saint Thierry, La natura del corpo e dell'anima, a cura di Alberto Siclari. - Firenze Nardini, 1991.
- Tommaso d'Aquino, Unità dell'intelletto contro gli averroisti, introduzione, traduzione e apparati di Alessandro Ghisalberti. – Milano, Bompiani, 2000.
- M.Lenzi, Anima, forma e sostanza : filosofia e teologia nel dibattito antropologico del 13. secolo, CISAM, Spoleto 2011
- Anima e corpo nella cultura medievale : atti del 5. Convegno di studi della Società italiana per lo studio del pensiero medievale, Venezia, 25-28 settembre 1995 / a cura di Carla Casagrande e Silvana Vecchio, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 1999

The examination program will be supplied at the beginning of the course

Teaching methods

Seminars with active participation of the students. A final written paper is required

Assessment methods and criteria

The verification will be done through the preparation of an oral report on one of the topics of the course and the final draft of the elaborate. It will be also assessed students' participation in the entire seminar.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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