cod. 07036

Academic year 2013/14
3° year of course - First semester
Renato COSTI
Academic discipline
Chirurgia generale (MED/18)
Scienze interdisciplinari e cliniche
Type of training activity
7 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course has the objective to allow the student knowing and understanding the essentials of recognition and management of surgical issues before and after the surgical intervention, with particular reference to the problems related to the rehabilitation and to the physiotherapy, also to the purpose to allow the student to mature the ability to use the knowledge and the understanding acquired in to plan the treatment most suitable to the surgical patient with respect of his specific issues.


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Course unit content

1. The surgical patient
- essentials of homeostasis and mechanisms of response to the stress
- physiopathoogic mechanism and clinical meaning of the symptom pain
- the principals pictures of surgical interest in emergency: the acute abdomen, the acute peritonitis, the intestinal obstruction
- principles of general surgery (high, medium, low complexity surgery)

2. The surgical wound
- types of wound
- mechanisms of healing
- management

3. Management of the surgical patient
- antibiotic prophylaxis
- tromboembolic prophylaxis
- bowel preparation
- naso-gastric tube positioning
- bladder catheter positioning
- central venous catheter
- drains in abdominal surgery

Full programme

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Slides and notes will be delivered at the end of the course.
For further study:
L.Okolicsanyi, A.Peracchia, L.Roncoroni: “Malattie dell’apparato gastrointestinale” (4a Edizione), McGraw-Hill, Milano, Italia ; 2008.

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures implying the use of multimedial methods and discussion.

Assessment methods and criteria

Methods of evaluation
The evaluation of the achievement of course’s objectives is an oral examination.
Answering questions concerning the contents of the course, it will be verified if the student has reached an adequate knowledge and understanding. Answering questions concerning the recognition of the principal clinical picture of surgical interest and the planning of a program fit for a specific surgical patient, it will be verified if the student has reached the objective to apply the acquired knowledge.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

E. [email segreteria @unipr] (modificare link a email)
T. +39 0521 000000

Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
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T. +39 0521 000000
E. servizio [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)
E. del manager [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Presidente del corso di studio

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E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Delegato orientamento in ingresso

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Delegato orientamento in uscita

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Docenti tutor

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E. [email @unipr] (modificare link a email)

Delegati Erasmus

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Referente assicurazione qualità

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Tirocini formativi

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Studenti tutor

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