Course units and programme of study

The course units related to the three years of each academic year are contained in the Framework of Training Activities (QAF), including details of the official lecturers (courses and related course units), the types of activities, the Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SSDs), the teaching hours, the ECTS credits, the official lecturers.
The framework of training activities (QAF) of the course regulations establishes, for each pathway of the regulations:
the fields activated for each type of educational activity and the relative number of ECTS credits, in compliance with the provisions of the degree course Regulations; the sectors activated for each field, in compliance with the provisions of the course Regulations;
the number of ECTS credits for the various types of training activity (Basic, Characterising, etc.), in compliance with the provisions of the course Regulations.

List of courses

Course structure

The course is spread over a three-year period and provides for the acquisition of:

  • knowledge in the basic and clinical sciences for a better understanding of the most relevant elements underlying the physiological and pathological processes to which preventive, physiotherapeutic/rehabilitation and educational intervention is addressed;
  • ability to address and analyse problems with a unitary vision, extended also to the psychological and socio-cultural dimensions of the health-disease-care and physiotherapy/rehabilitation processes;;
  • intervention methodologies specific to the physiotherapist;
  • knowledge of the ethical, deontological and legal dimensions of his work;
  • c relational skills to be expressed both in the helping relationship with patients and in integration with the various professional figures.

The sectors are: Child, Adult, Elderly.

The areas are: Orthopaedic, Neurological, Cardiology, Sports, Rheumatology, Respiratory, Paediatric, Geriatric, Neuropsychology, Gynaecology, Surgery, etc.

For the Degree Course in Physiotherapy, no less than 180 ECTS credits in total are to be acquired, spread over three years and divided into 60 ECTS credits per year, of which

  • 120 ECTS credits comprise lectures (ex cathedra) and tutorial teaching in small groups (1 ECTS credit = 7 hours); Elective Teaching Activities (seminars, monographic courses, provided by the University or by providers recognised by the Ministry) (1 ECTS credit = 15/25 hours);
  • 60 ECTS credits to be acquired in training activities aimed at the maturation of specific professional skills (internship).

Attendance is compulsory for all Course activities.

By law, there is no provision for part-time and/or student-worker attendance.

ECTS credits represent the unit of measurement of the work required of the student for the completion of each educational activity prescribed by the regulations of the degree courses in order to obtain a university degree.

The structure and organisation of teaching activities, as well as the organisation of the course, are explained in detail in the Physiotherapy degree course regulations.

The structure and organisation of internship activities are explained in detail in the Internship Regulations of the Degree Course in Physiotherapy.

Each of the three years of the course is organised into two semesters, alternating intensive periods of:

  • theoretical training activities (lectures) and laboratory exercises: in the afternoons (2-6 p.m.), Monday to Friday, from the beginning of October to mid-June
  • professional training activities (internships): in the mornings (8 a.m.-1 p.m.), Monday to Friday, throughout the academic year
  • individual study.

The Degree Course in Physiotherapy is held on the premises of the Department of Medicine and Surgery in Parma and in the training section in Piacenza .

The activities are:

  • Characterising FRONTAL LECTURES: in PR and in Fiorenzuola (in relation to the place of enrolment)
  • Integrative Didactic Activities: in PR and in Fiorenzuola (in relation to the place of enrolment)
  • Elective Didactic Activities in PR and in Fiorenzuola (in relation to the formative seat of enrolment)
  • CLINICAL LABORATORIES: in PR and in Fiorenzuola (in relation to the formative seat of enrolment)
  • INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES: in the provinces of Parma and Piacenza; also in the student's home province.

The internship sites are facilities that have an agreement with the university including:

  •  Rehabilitation services and wards of the Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma
  •  Rehabilitation services and wards of the Azienda USL di Parma
  •  Rehabilitation services and wards of the Azienda USL di Piacenza
  • Private rehabilitation centres affiliated with the National Health Service
  •  Private rehabilitation clinics
  •  Nursing homes
  •  Sheltered accommodation for the elderly
  •  Sports teams

Teaching programme


List of active teachings that are provided in the academic year

A.A.: 2021/2022


How the programme of study works

The list of course units in the programme of study represents all the training activities available for each of the years of the degree course and changes according to the year in which the student enrols. ‘Free-choice or restricted-choice' course units are optional learning activities that students may include in their programme of study according to the selection criteria specified on this page; the remaining course units are compulsory for all students.
The programme of study must be submitted online by the student for each year using the ESSE3 system (see dedicated section).
Students are allowed to submit their own programme of study with options other than those presented on this page (and available in ESSE3), as long as it is consistent with achieving the course's learning objectives. In that case, the programme must be submitted to the Course Council for approval

Programme of study



Notice is hereby given that the period for the submission of online programmes of study, A.Y. 2021-22, is as follows: 15 November 2021/14 January 2022.

Subsequently, changes may be made to the curricula during the period: 07 March 2022/08 April 2022.
For information on how to submit programmes of study online, A.Y. 2021-22, go to the following link and consult point 1
. Submission and approval of the programme of study:…

The programme of study is the list of all the educational activities that the student will follow on their course and for which they must pass the relevant examinations in order to be admitted to the following years of the course, up to the final degree examination.

Activities may include lectures, internships, foreign language proficiency tests, final/project tests, workshops and others. These educational activities may be compulsory, envisaged as optional or autonomously chosen, subject to the constraints established by the classes of degree courses and teaching regulations.

Free-choice activities (ADEs) must be indicated each year on the online programme of study, by the submission deadline set each year by the University.

The submission of the online programme of study is therefore annual, compulsory and preparatory to subsequent career activities or acts (e.g. electronic student file, registration for examinations, recording of examination marks, student opinion survey). If the programme of studies is not submitted, the student will NOT be able to carry out career activities or acts.

The programme of study is specific to each matriculation cohort. The cohort is the group of students who enrolled on the first year of a degree course in a given academic year: for example, all students who enrolled on the first year in the A.Y. 2021-2022 are part of the 2021 cohort.

In the event that a student fails to gain access to the following year's course, they assume the status of repeating student and consequently join the cohort of students with whom they will repeat the year.

As decided by the Course Council in Physiotherapy, with reference to Art. 34 of the University Regulations, which contemplate the possibility of admission onto individual course units on a degree course and the possibility of also taking the examination (subject to payment of a financial contribution), for a maximum number of 30 ECTS credits in a single academic year, admission onto individual courses of the degree course in Physiotherapy is NOT granted to students who request it. 
As decided by the Course Council in Physiotherapy, with reference to Art. 6 of Royal Decree no. 1269 of 1938, which provides that students enrolled on a given degree course may sit two exams, in addition to those envisaged on their own programme of study, relating to courses on another degree course, admission onto courses belonging to the degree course in Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics and to the Health Professions Degree Courses is NOT granted to students who request it.
This decision is aimed at not altering the number of attending students, which is planned by MIUR, in relation to the number of professors/instructors and the logistical aspects of the university site, in order to provide quality teaching.


Online programme of study

To submit your programme of study online, you need to access the ESSE3 system available on the following page:ESSE3 - Programmes of study 
To access the ESSE3 system, you must use your University credentials ( and the relative password) issued at the time of enrolment. Once you have entered your username and password, you must click on the programme of study entry.
During the compilation phase, it will be possible to make choices limited to the year of the course being attended and to make any changes to those made in previous years (e.g. second-year students will complete their programme of study for the second year and may change the choices made the previous year; new students, on the other hand, will make choices limited to the first year).
Completion of the programme of study is compulsory for ALL students, as it is preparatory to online registration for examinations: without a submitted programme, it will not be possible to register for examinations.
The submission of the online programme of study is therefore annual, compulsory and preparatory to subsequent career activities or acts (e.g. electronic student file, registration for examinations, recording of examination marks, student opinion survey).
More information on how to submit your programme of study online via ESSE3 can be found in the following document:
ESSE3 Guide to completing the programme of study online

Online services available to students


ADI - Attività Didattiche Integrative

Calendario delle attività didattiche integrative-II semestre

•    2 anno: ADI Terapia Occupazionale- Docente dott. Vandini Alessandro- 26 e 28 maggio dalle 14 alle 18 presso la sala polifunzionale del Blocco B- Ospedale di Fiorenzuola d'Arda
•    3 anno: ADI Riabilitazione del Linguaggio nell'adulto- Docente dott.ssa Cattani Barbara-7/21/28 marzo dalle 14 alle 18- aula B di Fiorenzuola  



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