cod. 1009231

Anno accademico 2022/23
2° anno di corso - Annuale
Anna Maria MERCURI
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Botanica sistematica (BIO/02)
A scelta dello studente
Tipologia attività formativa
A scelta dello studente
24 ore
di attività frontali
3 crediti

Obiettivi formativi

The aim of the course is to provide expertise in applied biology with seminars by researchers of the different disciplines in the fields of life sciences.
The set of seminars are useful to improve awareness on the relationship 'health and environment' at the center of professional skills.


Basic Biology

Contenuti dell'insegnamento

This is a cycle of seminars on applicative aspects of Biology, continuously updated and changing every year. A set of 8 to 10 skilled researchers give their expertise at the service of our Students, at the invitation of the president and teachers of the Biology Master Course to introduce scholars of different fields of the biological research.
Topics are selected as being transversal to the two curricula of ‘Health’ and ‘Environment’ of the Master Degree LM6: the strong links between humans and environmental conditions, and the relationship between health & environment are especially developed in the talks. Seminars are principally planned to be at distance (via TEAMS platform, if available). Each seminar is 3-4 hours long.

Programma esteso

Students will improve their knowledge on the following topics:
- concepts and practice on interdisciplinarity;
- theoretical basis and applications of the ethnobotanical research;
- cultural evolution and role of plants in the (past and on-going) process.

In accordance to Dublin descriptors:
• Knowledge and understanding of scientific English used in the field of Life Sciences
• Applying knowledge and understanding in Life Sciences investigations
• Making judgements on use/value-recognition of updated vision and methods in Biology
• Communication skills improvement in the English and scientific topics


Each Speaker will give slides, recordings and will suggest related references.

Metodi didattici

The course is in English. There are many invited speakers.It includes mainly front-lessons, and classroom exercises, with the help of power point slide shows.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

Interview with oral examination.

Altre informazioni

Office hours: the teacher replies to questions via email, and can receive students every day by appointment via email.
Link to the cv:

Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile