cod. 18142

Academic year 2012/13
3° year of course - First semester
Annamaria CAVALLI
Academic discipline
Letteratura italiana (L-FIL-LET/10)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
80 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The first part of the course is aimed at providing students with the basic tools for a solid understanding of literary institutions (literary history, critical method, basic concepts of metre and rhetoric).

The second, more in-depth section is aimed at illustrating how a scientific research project on a topic in Italian literature involving pre-selected writers and themes is organised.


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Course unit content

The course (12 CREDITS) is divided into two module units:
I. (6 CREDITS),unit of a theorical and introductory nature with references to literary historiography, hermeneutics of literature, aesthetics of reception, intertextuality and hypertextuality; the unit will outline the most common and populary forms (short story, novel, autobiography, essay, etc.) with special emphasis on their communicative rethoric. Literary examples will span all of Italian Literature.

II.(6 CREDITS): From story to novel or from Decameron to Coscienza di Zeno.

Full programme

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General Bibliography:
G. Ferroni, Storia della letteratura italiana (Einaudi Scuola) or U. Dotti, Storia della letteratura italiana (Carocci 2007).
Bibliography unit I:
H.R. Jauss, Perché la storia della letteratura, Guida Editore; A. Cavalli, Fuga dalla critica, Pàtron Editore, 2007
Bibliography unit II:
Lessico critico decameroniano, Bollati Boringhieri
A.Cavalli, De Roberto Palumbo Editore;
A. Cavalli, L’ansia dell’inesprimibile, Pàtron Editore;
A. Cavalli, L’unità della letteratura. Borgese critico scrittore, Pàtron Editore;
G. Debenedetti, Il romanzo del 900, Garzanti;

G. Boccaccio, Decameron;
Masuccio Salernitano, Novellino;
M. Bandello, Novelle;
A. Manzoni, I promessi sposi;
F. Tozzi, Con gli occhi chiusi;
G. A. Borgese, I vivi e i morti;
I. Svevo, La Coscienza di Zeno.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons

Assessment methods and criteria

oral and written test

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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