Learning objectives
- Know the aspects, obligations and fulfilments of companies with reference to the principles of environmental sustainability
- know the relevant laws in the field of sustainability
- know the main sustainability models applicable to companies
- evaluate how to apply the principles of the 2030 Agenda, circular economy, EPR and green packaging
- understand the mechanisms of sustainable models, their quantification and monitoring over time
- carry out activities applicable to companies
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Course unit content
The purpose of the course is to provide the student with the cognitive tools for a correct design, management and monitoring of company processes and products, according to the criteria of environmental sustainability.
Full programme
• Concepts of environmental sustainability, Green deal, 2030 agenda, circular economy
• Environmental legislation of reference at European and national level
• Environmental sustainability reports
• UNI EN ISO 14001 and EMAS standards
• Best available techniques (BAT)
• Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
• Carbon Footprint
• Environmental labels
• Integrated product and service policy
• Environmental authorizations (AIA and AUA)
• Principles of eco-design
• Raw materials and use of resources
• Innovative low environmental materials, biodegradable and compostable materials
• Compliance of processes / products with environmental regulations
• Valorisation and recovery of waste
• green packaging
• Educational laboratory: presentation of dedicated software for sustainable design
1) Ragionare sulla sostenibilità e sulla circolarità - Carlo Santulli - Editore: libreriauniversitaria.it
2) Economia dell'ambiente. Sostenibilità, politiche e aspetti strategici. Maria Carmela - Editore Mondadori Università
Teaching methods
Lessons will be held in the presence, in compliance with safety standards, except for further provisions due to the possible continuation of the health emergency. The teaching material will be deposited on the specific platform with access reserved for students (Elly) and will include iconographic presentations of the lessons.
During the lessons, mainly frontal moments will alternate with interactive moments with the students.
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam consists in the preparation and delivery by the student of a project related to the topics covered. The related editing methods and contents will be illustrated in detail during the course.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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