cod. 1010473

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
Abilità informatiche e telematiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand
At the end of the course, the student will be able to know and understand:
1. Causal agents in plant diseases, pest management in different agricultural systems, in accordance with the European legislation in force
2. Methods for assessing the requirements for products of plant origin

Understanding and application of knowledge
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply methods of assessment of phytopathological problems of products of plant origin.tonomy of judgment
At the end of the course, the student will have acquired the knowledge to:
1.Assess plant products in terms of quality (related to plant diseases)
2. Evaluate the compliance of the products with contractual Communication skills
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. communicate information about the health and hygiene quality of products of plant origin

Learning ability
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Evaluate phytopathological problems even if not addressed during the course.



Course unit content

Phytopathological problems of products of plant origin and impact on the quantitative-qualitative and hygienic-sanitary aspects of production. Phytosanitary management of agricultural production during storage and handling for both fresh and dried products. Methods for assessing the requirements for products of plant origin. Examples of process sustainability and reuse of vegetable waste.

Full programme

1. Agents of plant diseases, especially fungi. Isolation and identification.
2. Observation of symptoms and practical indications for diagnosis.
3. Application of analysis methods for raw materials of plant origin.
4. Disease symptoms, field production losses and post-harvest damages.
5. Case studies related to phytopathological problems in different supply chains


Patologia Vegetale. A.A.V.V. EdiSES università

Difesa sostenibile delle colture. A.A.V.V. Edagricole

Teaching methods

The practical lessons will take place in the laboratory and will consider the main methods of evaluation of products of plant origin
The course will be integrated with group work and case study management

Assessment methods and criteria

The summative assessment will be written. The written exam will contain multiple choice questions and open questions on the main topics of the course.

Other information

Attendance of the practical lessons is not compulsory, but strongly recommended.