cod. 1010429

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Veronica LOLLI
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
Abilità informatiche e telematiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: Chemical composition of raw materials

Learning objectives

Knowledge and Ability to Understand: During the course, the student will be expected to acquire the knowledge necessary to conduct a proper literature search, identify the analyses necessary to evaluate the main issues related to the quality of raw materials, and to interface with professionals in the field. He/she should also be able to correctly express an analytical data and correctly interpret a certificate of analysis.

Skills: The student should be able to use the knowledge acquired to understand and value the quality of raw materials.

Autonomy of judgment: The student should be able to correctly read and interpret an analytical protocol and a certificate of analysis. He/she should also be able to evaluate the analytical quality of the data.

Communication skills: The student should be able to understand and appropriately use specific technical language and vocabulary.

Learning skills: The student who has attended the course will be able to deepen his or her knowledge of basic food analysis through independent consultation of specialized texts and journals in the field.


Course unit content

Laboratory Safety, glassware, and basic instrumentation
Basic analytical calculations: units of measure and concentration factors
Key rapid techniques for food analysis: qualitative tests, acid-base and redox titrations, spectrophotometric analysis
Chemical and physical behavior of natural dyes (i.e., chlorophyll and anthocyanins)
Protein studies: foaming and coagulating properties. Qualitative assessment of effects induced by the Maillard reaction
Alginate gelation behaviour

Full programme


Mannina, Daglia, Ritieni – La chimica e gli alimenti: nutrienti e aspetti nutraceutici. Ed. Zanichelli

Teaching methods

Theoretical and practical exercises in laboratory

Assessment methods and criteria

Multiple choice test (33 questions).
The two exams (theory and laboratory) will be held in the same day.
Maximum: 2 hours

Other information