cod. 1010098

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Second semester
Antonino FALDUTO
Academic discipline
Filosofia morale (M-FIL/03)
Istituzioni di filosofia
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

(a) Acquisition of basic knowledge of the fundamental aspects of the
history of moral philosophy. (b) Acquisition of critical tools for the
understanding and the analysis of philosophical texts in moral
philosophy. (c) Acquisition of abilities to construct and communicate
argumentative reasoning related to the moral philosophical concepts
treated in the context of the course


Good knowledge of the moral philosophy of the Enlightenment. In order to be prepared to the discussion during classes, the reading of a handbook on
history of modern philosophy is recommended, and in particular chapter 1 of Luca Fonnesu, Storia dell’etica contemporanea. Da Kant alla filosofia
analitica, Roma, Carocci 2006 (i.e. the chapter dedicated to Kant’s ethics).

Course unit content

The course will focus on works of women philosophers of the Enlightenment, together with some texts by Friedrich Schiller, and will be dedicated to the concept of education as completion of practical philosophy.

Full programme

To receive a detailed programme, please contact the lecturer before the start of the term.


Mary Astell: Serious Proposal to the Ladies for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. By a Lover of Her Sex (1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1701, 1703)
Dorothea Christiana von Erxleben (née Leporin): Gruendliche Untersuchung der Ursachen, die das weibliche Geschlecht vom Studieren abhalten ., nebst einer Vorrede ihres Vaters, D. Christiani Polycarpi Leporin. Berlin: Ruediger 1742
Mary Wollstonecraft: Thoughts on the Education of Daughters: With Reflections on Female Conduct, in the More Important Duties of Life, London, Joseph Johnson 1787
Johanna Charlotte Unzer (née Ziegler): Grundriß einer Weltweisheit für das Frauenzimmer (1751) – 2nd edition, Halle: Hemmerde 1767
Friedrich Schiller: Lettere sull'educazione estetica dell'uomo. Callia o della bellezza. Trad. it. a cura di A. Negri (Armando Editore, 2002)

Teaching methods

Lectures and seminar-style discussions

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam.
Criteria of Evaluation.
Less than 18: Insufficient comprehension of the topics, insufficient
expository clarity and insufficient competence in the use of thephilosophical vocabulary.
Threshold for 18: sufficient comprehension of the topics, sufficient
expository clarity and sufficient competence in the use of the
philosophical vocabulary.
Threshold for 24: discrete comprehension of the topics, discrete
expository clarity and discrete competence in the use of the philosophical
Threshold for 27: good comprehension of the topics, good expository
clarity and good competence in the use of the philosophical vocabulary.
Threshold for 30: excellent comprehension of the topics, excellent
expository clarity and excellent competence in the use of the
philosophical vocabulary.
Threshold for 30 cum laude: as for 30, plus elements of originality (e.g.
critical assessment of the course topics) and/or particularly in-depth
analysis of the course topics

Other information
