cod. 1011293

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Filosofia e teoria dei linguaggi (M-FIL/05)
Istituzioni di filosofia
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The aim is to lead the student to achieve basic competence regarding the fundamental issues of the relationship existing between semiotics and cognitive sciences. A further goal will be to gain knowledge and mastery of the vocabulary of the disciplines and their problematic aspects, and to develop in the student a critical and analytical approach regarding some fundamental concepts and research in the field of cognitive semiotics.



Course unit content

The course will start from a brief introduction to understand what semiotics is. It will then move on to an exposition of the basic principles of what has been called the cognitive semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce. Next, starting with a reading of some central chapters of Umberto Eco's text, Kant and the Platypus, a broader overview of the intertwining of semiotics, cognitive science, and cognitive psychology will begin. Some fundamental issues belonging to the field of philosophy of mind and philosophy of language will be addressed, trying to understand their reinterpretation from a semiotic perspective. During the lectures, the content of some works considered relevant in the constitution of the foundations of this innovative paradigm in the field of philosophical thought will be exposed.

Full programme

The course will start from a brief introduction to understand what semiotics is. It will then move on to an exposition of the basic principles of what has been called the cognitive semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce. Next, starting with a reading of some central chapters of Umberto Eco's text, Kant and the Platypus, a broader overview of the intertwining of semiotics, cognitive science, and cognitive psychology will begin. Some fundamental issues belonging to the field of philosophy of mind and philosophy of language will be addressed, trying to understand their reinterpretation from a semiotic perspective. During the lectures, the content of some works considered relevant in the constitution of the foundations of this innovative paradigm in the field of philosophical thought will be exposed.


U. Eco, Kant e l’ornitorinco, Milano, Bompiani, 1997 (capitoli 2-3-4-5-).

Pdf texts given by the teacher:
M. Bonfantini, “Introduzione. La semiotica cognitiva di Peirce” in C.S. Peirce, Semiotica, Torino, Einaudi, 1980, pp. xxi- lv.

C. Paolucci, "Che cos'è una semiotica cognitiva?", in Sistemi Intelligenti, Anno XXXIII, numero 2, Agosto 2021, pp. 281-304.

Teaching methods

Lectures on some fundamental theoretical questions. Guided reading of selected texts and free discussion.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination will be based on the writing of a short essay on a course topic agreed upon with the lecturer, to be handed in at least one week before the date of the examination call chosen; this will be followed by a discussion of the student's essay in an interview.

Other information

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