Learning objectives
At the end of the course, the student will be able to know and understand:
1. The essential elements of the techniques of production of the major meat products of animal origin, which are the raw material for the agro-food sector.
2. The main factors that influence the quality of the final product.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply acquired knowledge about animal products in the various working contexts related to the agro-food sector.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Assess the quality of products of animal origin.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Express clearly and with appropriate terminology during description of concepts concerning meat and fish products.
D5 – Learning skills
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Learn the concepts of producing animal products;
2. Understand the impact of welfare issues on the quality of animal products.
Course unit content
Aquaculture: hints of farming and main farmed fish species
Quality of fish products
Breeding of sea bass and sea bream and welfare issues
Bovine meat sector
Slaughtering and processing of the carcass Nutritional and qualitative aspects of bovine carcasses and meats
Pig industry
Slaughtering procedures and processing of the carcass
Classification of the carcasses and quality of the pig meat
Food safety aspects of the pig meat
Welfare aspects related to the meat quality
Poultry sector
Main characteristics of poultry farming
Slaughtering and processing of the meat
Nutritional value and quality of the poultry meat
Full programme
Farming and main fish species farmed in Italy. Methods of slaughtering. Quality of fish products, evaluation of freshness. Breeding of sea bass and sea bream and hints of welfare associated to the quality of the product. Trout farming.
Bovine meat sector
Slaughter procedure and animal welfare and carcass processing. Assessment of carcass quality and grading. Nutritional and qualitative characteristics of beef.
Pig industry
Pig slaughtering techniques and carcass processing. Classification of carcasses and quality of pork. Main anomalies of pork.
Pork food safety.
Aspects of animal welfare related to meat quality.
Poultry sector
Introduction to broiler chicken farming.
Slaughter and classification of the carcass.
Processing of meat, types of products.
Nutritional value and quality of poultry meat.
“Igiene e tecnologie degli alimenti di origine animale”.
Ed. Le point vétérinaire Italie Srl
Elisabetta Bernardi, Ettore Capri, Giuseppe Pulina
Ed. Franco Angeli
Antonella De Leonardis
Qualità e processi di trasformazione dei prodotti ittici
Ed. Aracne
Slides shown at lesson
Teaching methods
During the lectures in the classroom, with the use of audio-visual facilities, the characteristics of meat and fish productions will be presented.
The lessons will also be supplemented by seminars to deepen some specific issues.
Assessment methods and criteria
The written exam will be based on multiple choice questions. Through these questions it will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of knowledge and understanding.
The written exam will take place through a test that will focus on 30 multiple choice questions and will last a maximum of 20 minutes. For each question answered correctly 1 point will be given, while for each question that is answered incorrectly 0.25 points will be subtracted. For each missing answer, 0 points will be awarded. The mark will be approximated to the higher value only if the score obtained has 75 for decimal, in all other cases it will be approximated to the lower value.
For example, 16.75 = 17, while 16.5 = 16.
1 point is added to the score obtained with the answers to the questions. Praise is achieved with a total score of 31.
For students with DSA, appropriate compensatory and dispensatory measures will be implemented.
Other information