cod. 1011294

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Filosofia teoretica (M-FIL/01)
Istituzioni di filosofia
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

In-depth knowledge related to theoretical philosophy, its relation to the philosophy of nature and critical theory of society, and its application to contemporary debates.Ability to develop an argumentation on the themes of the course, and from a critical analysis of different interpretations of the proposed texts. Development of communication and learning skills, and the ability to produce independent judgments on theoretical issues. Ability to elaborate a written work in argumentative form on the themes of the course.


Knowledge of the fundamental concepts and the principal authors in the
history of philosophy.

Course unit content

Third nature

The course will focus on the nexus between the notions of nature, second nature, and third nature, in philosophy and critical theory of society, in conceptions of figurative art, poetry, and the contemporary landscape, outlining an experimental path through different genres and disciplinary fields.

Full programme

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Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Il fungo alla fine del mondo, Keller, 2021 (parte prima, pp. 11-91)

Robert Smithson, Collected Writings, University of California Press, 1996 (Entropy and the New Monuments (1966), pp. 10-22; Towards the Development of an air Terminal Site (1967), pp. 52-60; A Sedimentation of the Mind: Earth Projects” (1968), pp. 100-113; (The Spiral Jetty (1972), pp. 143-153; «Fredrick Law Olmsted and the Dialectical Landscape» (1973), 157-161

Gilles Clément, Manifesto del terzo paesaggio, Quodlibet, 2005

Timothy Morton, Iperoggetti, Nero, 2018 (parte prima: pp. 11-108)

Italo Testa, Autorizzare la speranza. Giustizia poetica e futuro radicale, Interlinea, 2023

Italo Testa, L'indifferenza naturale, Marcos y Marcos, 2018 (testi indicati a lezione)

Teaching methods

The course will consist of lectures in which exam texts will be discussed and insights will be provided. In-depth seminar lectures, group discussions on certain topics and group exercises to be agreed with students will also be offered.

Assessment methods and criteria

Philosophy students:

The final exam involves the composition of an argumentative paper (max 20,000 characters) on the topics and texts of the course, previously agreed with the teacher.
The final grade will consist of the paper evaluation (70%) and the oral exam (30%: discussion of the bibliography of the course). For students who have attended at least 70% of the lessons, the oral exam will be performed through the assessment of participation in the class discussion and a report held during the course. For other students, the oral exam on the bibliography will be held on the occasion of the final exam

The final evaluation (on a scale of 0-30) will be determined on the basis of four factors: 1) Expressive accuracy; 2) argumentative capacity and independence of judgment; 3) Ability to read, understand, and critically analyze philosophical texts; 4) Ability to identify theoretical links between different concepts and philosophical positions.
The exam is considered passed if it reaches the minimum grade of 18/30. The final mark will be determined according to the following parameters:
30 e Lode: Cum Laude; Outstanding expressive skills, brilliant ability to argue a thesis in a convincing way and to identify its weaknesses, terrific understanding and critical analysis of the texts assigned and the main concepts involved
30: Excellent; accurate and very well articulated expression skills, excellent understanding of the texts assigned and the concepts and topics involved
27-29: Very Good; correct and orderly expression skills, adequate capacity for argumentation and critical analysis of texts and concepts
24-26: Good: Good but not always correct expression skills, satisfactory ability to argue a philosophical thesis and to analyze texts and concepts, knowledge of texts not always complete
21-23: Discreet: not always appropriate expression skills, discreet argumentative ability, sometimes unsatisfactory understanding of texts and concepts
18-21: Sufficient: expressive skills often not adequate, unsatisfactory argumentative capacity, acceptable but often superficial knowledge and understanding of texts and concepts
0-18: Insufficient: Serious expressive gaps, inability to philosophically argue a thesis, inadequate knowledge and understanding of texts and concepts

Other information

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