Course unit partition: PARMA

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - Second semester
Giorgia SQUERI
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative (MED/48)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

Acquire the ability to observe and evaluate the main movement patterns, including walking, getting up and sitting and the related compensation mechanisms.
-Acquire the ability to observe and evaluate the joint range of movement both active and passive and the related compensation mechanisms.
-Acquire the basic principles of active and passive joint excursion measurement with protractor and tape measure.
-Acquire the principles of correct posture in carrying out evaluation and measurement techniques.


Knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and kinesiology of the upper limb, shoulder-humeral girdle, lower limb, pelvis, cervical, dorsal, lumbar and sacral coccygeal spine.

Course unit content

Theoretical lessons and practical workshops led by the teacher among the students regarding the observation of the active spontaneous movement of all the body districts, evaluation of the active and passive range of motion through goniometer measurements. Theoretical lesson on walking and practical guided laboratories for observing walking and main motor patterns.

Full programme

MED48 -1 CFU
20 theoretical / practical hours
Title: "Assessment of adult motor skills"
Teacher: FT. Giorgia Squeri

Evaluation of active and passive joint excursion: characteristics of active and passive movements: joint limitations, muscle shortening, pain, compensation and substitute movements. Evaluation of the main motor patterns with particular reference to the gait. Practical workshops with execution and evaluation of the active and passive movements of the main motor patterns. Bi-articular and mono-articular muscle extensibility test. ROM protractor measurements of the main trunk joints, upper and lower limbs.


H.M.Clarkson "Valutazione Chinesiologica "Edizioni Ermes
Kendall,McCreary,Provance"I Muscoli funzioni e test,postura e dolore " (IV edizione) Edizioni Verducci
Donald A. Neumann. Chinesiologia del sistema muscoloscheletrico. Piccin
S. Sahrmann. Valutazione Funzionale e Trattamento delle Sindromi da Disfunzione di Movimento. UTET, 2005
S. Sahrmann e Coll. Sindromi da Disfunzione del Sistema di Movimento. Elsevier, 2012
Stanley Hoppenfeld. L’esame obiettivo dell’apparato locomotore. Aulo Gaggi Editore
Serge Tixa. Atlante di anatomia palpatoria. Vol 1 Arto inferiore e Vol 2 Collo tronco arto superiore. Masson editore

Teaching methods

Teaching methodology: the lessons consist of a theoretical introduction, a practical demonstration on healthy subjects and practical workshops among the students.
The practical workshops provide students with suitable clothing: tracksuit, swimsuit, shorts.
The laboratories provide for the description and practical demonstration of: protractor tests; passive mobilization of limbs and spine; description and analysis of the path and the learned motor patterns.

Assessment methods and criteria

There are two ways of verifying learning: the ongoing verification and the final oral exam.
The ongoing verification, which is agreed with the students at the beginning of the course, consists of an evaluation of the practical part: correct execution of joint tests, passive mobilizations and evaluation of motor patterns.

Other information

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