cod. 1008693

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - Second semester
Samanta RABONI
Academic discipline
Biochimica (BIO/10)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The course provides the student with the basics to understand the issues involved in the development of biotechnological enzymes and their role and potential in the application to food industry. At the end of the course the student will be able to describe the different types of applications (KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING) and explain the contents of the course systematically and with a language that makes use of the appropriate scientific terminology (COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND LEARNING SKILLS). Furthermore, the student is expected to have acquired the ability to integrate knowledge at the interface between different topic areas and developed critical awareness to manage the complexity of cutting-edge issues (ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING).


Basic knowledge of biochemistry, biochemical methodologies, and microbiology will be appreciable.

Course unit content

The course is focused on enzymes that find applications in a wide range of traditional and innovative processes in the food industry. Enzymes fundamental for food and beverage production, food processing, food preservation, food engineering and food biotechnology are presented. The course will discuss important characteristics and sources of enzymes relevant for the improvement of food properties such as flavor, aroma, color, texture, nutritional value, safety and sustainability.

Full programme

• Enzymes: introduction and general aspects.
• General concepts of enzyme kinetics and methods for the evaluation of enzyme activity.
• Strategies for the stabilization of biotechnological enzymes (immobilization, protein engineering, chemical modification) and recombinant production.
• Use of enzymes in food production and processing (bakery, confectioneries, dairy products, meat and fish)
• Enzymes used in the beverage production (beer, wine, fruit juices)
• Regulatory policies regarding food enzymes
• Innovative applications in smart packaging, synthesis of nutraceuticals, probiotics and other functional foods, valorization of production waste.
• Enzymes as analytical tools (i.e. biosensors)
• Industrial enzymes in nonfood applications


The teaching material will be loaded on the Elly platform and will include a copy of the slides and the webliography together with selected scientific articles.

Teaching methods

The teaching activities will be carried out in the form of in-person lectures. The teaching activities will be carried out through lectures with the help of slides that will be made available to the students weekly on the Elly website.

Assessment methods and criteria

The comprehension of the covered topics will be assessed through an oral exam, which will include the topics of the course and the analysis of specific case studies agreed upon with the teacher as an oral presentation.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

The body of information provided to the student by this course contributes to raise awareness about responsible consumption and production in industrial policies in accordance with Goals 12 (Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns), 9 (Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation) and 2 (End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture) of UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. Indeed, the topics of the course illustrate technologies fostering the development of more sustainable food production models and promote the dissemination of the necessary knowledge to encourage clean and environmentally friendly industrial processes. The concepts addressed in the course stimulate reflection on the possibilities of minimizing the negative impact of waste on human health and the environment through the reuse of waste from industrial processes.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager
Rag. Andrea Barchi
T. +39 0521 906430
E. servizio didattica.scienzealimenti@unipr.it

President of the course

Prof.ssa Claudia Folli



Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Marilena Musci
E. marilena.musci@unipr.it


Tutor professor

Prof.ssa Valentina Bernini
E. valentina.bernini@unipr.it

Erasmus delegate

Prof.ssa Barbara Prandi


Career guidance delegates

prof. Francesca Bot
E. francesca.bot@unipr.it 


Advising and guidance delegates

prof. Valentina Bernini
E. valentina.bernini@unipr.it 



prof. Pedro Miguel Mena Parreno
E. pedromiguel.menaparreno@unipr.it