cod. 1008476

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze e tecnologie alimentari (AGR/15)
Discipline della tecnologia alimentare
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The objective is that to provide the student
the fundamental information about product characteristics and
production processes of sweeteners, cereals and based food products, as
well as confectionary products and sweets.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
The class aims to enable students to apply the knowledge learned in the
employment context identified in the areas covered by the employment
opportunities typical of the degree course
Making judgments: the course aims to enable the student to begin to
develop an autonomous capacity to draw conclusions thanks to the skills
learned to seek and gather relevant data, interpret them and use the
most appropriate to communicate scientifically sound information
Communication skills: the course aims to enable the student to
communicate the knowledge about products to people expert and/or not
Learning skills: The course aims to give students the learning skills
necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.


Nothing to declare

Course unit content

The course deals with the main characteristics (composition, chemistry,
structure) of a wide range of bakery and confectery products used as
food and as an ingredient in other foods, with a particular
attention to their links with key aspects of the method of production,
labelling, marketing and consumption, shelf life.
The furnished knowledge will permit to make a link between the technical-scientific literature and the communication proposed by other
information channels (laws, mass media, advertising, etc.).

Full programme

Cereal based products
-Main constituents and their technological/structural role in the flour
- mixing, fermentation and cooking
-Flour and semolina
- Pasta
- Bread
- Cookies and biscuits
- Patisserie products
- Rice and by-products
- Corn derived products
Gluten free bakery products
Confectionery products
Italian traditional products
Intensive sweeteners
Natural sweeteners
Food additives and European legislation
Color additives
Flavor: description and European legislation


Slides provided from teacher and other materials dealing with product
characteristics uploaded on the Elly platform
Arte Bianca Edagricole
Principles of cereal science and technology 3rd edition, Delcour & Hoseney, AACC International Press, 2010.

Teaching methods

The course will consist of teacher lectures with slides provided to the
students uploaded on the Elly platform at the end of the lessons, every week.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final exam is a written exam. The written text consists of 4
questions about general topics relating to the whole program of the course. From the answers given by the student, the teacher tests his/her
ability to understand the different steps of food products topic of the
course and the interconnections between these various steps. In addition,
specific questions will be also present in the examination text from whose
responses the teacher will assess the understanding of the principles of
food technology applied to products covered in the course.
The teacher will assess the degree of understanding of the subject by the
completeness of the responses and the ability of the student to establish
connections between the various topics giving a score commensurate
with the expressed understanding and capabilities that will be the score
achieved for the overcoming of the module. The final score of the course
will be the score of the examination.
There are no tests during the course but the teacher will continously asks
questions to the students during the lessons to understand the extent to
which the class itself is able to link content previously granted to those
being delivered.
The final marks will be published as soon as possible on Esse3 platform. The students can make an appointment with the teacher to discusss about the final mark and view the results.

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student Registry Office

E. [] 

Quality Assurance Office

Education Manager

Ms. Caterina Scopelliti

T. +39 0521 905969
Office's mail [didattica.scienzealimenti@unipr] 
Manager's e-mail [caterina.scopelliti@unipr]

Course President

Prof. Cristina Mora

Advising and guidance delegate

Prof. Benedetta Chiancone

Career advising and guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Francesca Bot

Professor/instructor tutors

Prof. Martina Cirlini

Erasmus Delegates

Prof. Andrea Sartori 

Quality Assurance Manager

Prof. Francesca Bot


Prof. Davide Menozzi

Student Tutors

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