cod. 1005360

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - Second semester
Federica MOSETTI
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative (MED/48)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The seminar aims to provide a theoretical framework and to begin the fundamental skills of Motivational Counseling.Motivational Counseling is a set of guiding principles, tools and strategies for conducting a professional relationship of help in the educational, welfare, organizational, business, psychological or health fields. The theoretical frame of reference of the School is Motivational Interviewing, as outlined in the works of Miller and Rollnick. The authors define it: "A collaborative method, centered on the person, active direction, to increase the intrinsic motivation to change".The development of practice and research on Motivational Counseling has enabled its application in all areas where it is necessary to stimulate awareness raising in order to change behavior, attitudes and lifestyles.Motivational Counseling can be used in the following fields:healthto increase the patient's desire for treatment and to increase adherence to ongoing treatments with people characterized by a problematic or pathological lifestylePrevention and health educationwith healthy subjects, in situations where low motivation and poor awareness are an obstacle to the adoption of behaviors appropriate to psycho-physical protectionEducationalto facilitate the understanding and the perception of risks, the assumption of awareness and the activation of congruent behaviors with the planning and the objectives of the personSocialto facilitate the reading of the discomfort and support paths aimed at the solution of maladaptive states and the promotion of well-beingPsychologicalto facilitate the overcoming of personal or relational difficulties through the understanding of experiences and the development of effective strategies for personal fulfillment



Course unit content

A first brief exposition of the theoretical assumptions follows the experimentation of the basic skills of Motivational Counseling, with mainly practical-experiential modalities (role-play) (reserved for the students of the Cdl in Physiotherapy).The program includes the exposition (in plenary) and the experimentation (reserved to the students of the Cdl in Physiotherapy) of the following aspects:- The theoretical and clinical references of motivational counseling- The stages of change and motivational tasks- Traps and barriers to communication- The basic principles of motivational counseling- Basic skills of motivational counseling.

Full programme

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notes provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

Theoretical lessons with experiments and simulations

Assessment methods and criteria

75% frequency verification

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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