Learning objectives
At the end of the training activity, the student should have acquired knowledge and skills relating to the main themes and the most important issues of family law. In particular, the student is expected to be able to:
1. Know the legal rules contained in the Civil Code and special laws, concerning the family and the family legal relationship, marriage, civil union and de facto cohabitation, filiation and adoption; understand the concepts of marriage, civil union, de facto cohabitation, filiation and adoption; read and understand a jurisprudential ruling; interpret the rules systematically, according to doctrinal and jurisprudential guidelines (knowledge and understanding).
2. Apply the interpretations acquired to concrete cases; to be able to carry out, through the techniques of legal argumentation, the resolution of practical cases, under the guidance of the teacher (ability to apply knowledge and understanding).
3. Knowing how to independently analyze, with a critical method, jurisprudential pronouncements and cases of reality, through the procedure of interpretation of the fact and its juridical qualification (autonomy of judgment).
4. Knowing how to publicly expose the conclusions of one's own analysis of the ruling or of the concrete case, adequately motivating them on the basis of the norms and interpretative orientations (communication skills).
5. Being able to connect the different topics covered with each other, with the basic and related disciplines; for attending students, being able to act also, possibly, in a context of collective case study; know how to evaluate alternative solutions to the various concrete cases (ability to learn)