Advising and guidance

Orientation refers to all activities aimed at enabling the future freshman or sophomore to plan and manage their learning in a manner consistent with personal life goals and making full use of individual skills and interests in order to achieve personal fulfilment.
Depending on the moment in the university course when these activities are implemented, a distinction is made between:

  • Advising: carried out before choosing a course of study, it is aimed at prospective freshmen and offers support in identifying the course to be undertaken on the basis of individual interests, expectations and aptitudes. In this phase, the various possible scenarios are presented to the future freshman and the alternatives of the university pathway are illustrated;
  • Guidance: carried out during the university career, this is aimed at enrolled students and is designed to guide them within the courses of study already undertaken, enabling them to establish a better interaction with the structures and the university context;
  • Career guidance: carried out close to or after graduation, it is aimed at graduates or undergraduates and aims to facilitate their introduction into the working environment.


In the Degree Course in Law, advising is implemented through the following initiatives:

  • organisation of orientation meetings for students in the last classes of upper secondary schools, with the participation of Course lecturers and young collaborators who have graduated from the Course; the meetings are held at upper secondary schools, by appointment;
  • participation in orientation exhibitions (Open Day and Info Day), organised by the University;
  • publication of information brochures on the Course and on international mobility projects;
  • seminar and third mission initiatives, dealing with legal topics with interdisciplinary profiles, aimed at upper secondary school students;
  • PCTO ("Percorsi per le competenze trasversali e per l'orientamento") - formerly Alternanza Scuola Lavoro: the Course Council has established that high school students who participate in the entire course and pass the final examination are entitled to 1 extracurricular ECTS credits and exemption from the entrance examination for freshmen with a final grade of less than 70/100, subject to actual enrolment in the Law degree course.

PCTO Seminar Cycle a.y. 2024/2025

Seminar series “The Living Law: Fridays' seminars - Il diritto che vive: I seminari del venerdì”.

The series is structured around three main thematic areas:

  • "Old and new Costiutional balances"
  • "Life, death and protection of the health"
  • "Technology, the internet and social network"


The seminar seriers “The Living Law: Fridays' seminars” will resume December 6, 2024.

The inaugural seminar ("AI and Law") will be held by prof. Marco Gardini.

The series will consist of 10 weekly meetings, held every Friday from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM, conducted online via the Teams platform.

All updates will be shared on thias page.

No registration is required for the event. You can join using this link >  LINK su TEAMS 

For any futher information please contact prof. Marco Gardini (




Short news videos (italian version)

The course of study in Law offers everyone, high school and university students alike, short topical videos that deal with topics of interest in the course of study in a popular and cross-curricular manner.

► "Italy is a democratic republic, founded on labour." Interdisciplinary dialogue on work (Giacomo Degli Antoni, Vincenza Pellegrino, Veronica Valenti)

Child sexting and liability - Analysis of a case. An in-depth study for high schools (Alessandra Ambanelli, Malaika Bianchi)

Guidance and tutoring

The service is intended to support the proper integration of students in the course of study through, in particular, specific tutoring activities aimed, above all, at students enrolled in the first year of the course, as well as to encourage effective career progression by students through, in particular, assistance in the compilation of individual programmes of study, ongoing guidance activities aimed at encouraging students to choose the course of study most suited to their characteristics, and remedial activities for students in difficulty.
In addition to so-called general tutoring to support the organisation of the study method, tutoring for didactic-integrative, preparatory and remedial activities has been offered in the single-cycle degree course in Law for a number of years.
More information on the page ► Student Tutors


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Mrs Anna Maria Roseto
T. +39 0521 904130
Office E. giurisp.didattica@unipr
Manager E. annamaria.roseto@unipr

President of the degree course

Prof. Luca Ghidoni

Faculty advisor

Prof. Marco Gardini

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Francesco Mazzacuva

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Malaika Bianchi

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Andrea Errera

Tutor students

link: Tutor for students