Degree application and forms
Submission of the degree application and thesis delivery are exclusively online.
Please read the instructions below carefully.
Within 30 days before the start of the session*:
Within 15 days before the beginning of the session
- Having completed all credits for graduation, i.e. having passed the last exam/training.
Within 10 days before the start of the session:
- Upload the dissertation paper and the A50 (Authorisation of the supervisor for submission of the dissertation) on your personal page in Esse 3 (see instructions for uploading, format and logo) .
Failure to upload the final paper will result in automatic exclusion from the graduation session.
N.B. In the event of an impediment to taking the degree examination, the graduating student must promptly notify the Student registry office in writing (
*The graduation date that appears on the student's personal page, following the on-line completion of the "graduation application", is automatically generated by the system and does not coincide with the actual date of discussion. In order to find out the date, time and Committee of the graduation session, undergraduates are requested to consult the Notices section where, approximately one week before the graduation session, the lists of Committees with the registration numbers of the candidates will be published.