Learning objectives
Analytical and logical-argumentative competence with reference to the models of knowledge and languages of art and media. Ability in analysis and discussion of the theories and models of contemporary aesthetics.
Conoscenza dei lineamenti generali di storia della filosofia contemporanea, con particolare attenzione ai temi della Scuola di Francoforte.
Course unit content
The course deals with the analysis of Horkheimer and Adorno's essay "Dialectics of the Enlightenment." This will be analyzed with regard to its historical relevance and its considerations of the relationship between aesthetics and society, as it developed from the first half of the twentieth century, especially within the Frankfurt School. The course will also focus on the internal dialectics of the essay in order to bring into tension the thematic issues present in this writing: art, so-called mass culture, new media
Full programme
The course deals with the analysis of Horkheimer and Adorno's essay "Dialectics of the Enlightenment." This will be analyzed with regard to its historical relevance and its considerations of the relationship between aesthetics and society, as it developed from the first half of the twentieth century, especially within the Frankfurt School. The course will also focus on the internal dialectics of the essay in order to bring into tension the thematic issues present in this writing: art, so-called mass culture, new media
Students are required to study the following text:
MAX HORKHEIMER e THEODORE W. ADORNO, "Dialectic of enlightenment" (any edition will do).
The student is required to study ONLY the following two chapters.i: "The concept of enlightenment"; and "The cultural industry".
Teaching methods
The course is structured in blended mode in a logic of integration and complementarity between classroom teaching and teaching in a telematics environment on a moodle platform. The course includes:
(a) a streaming introductory lecture;
(b) 7 recorded lectures;
(c) 6 in-person lectures (if possible, otherwise streamed).
(d) online forum for discussion of the course content, which may also include text writing.
In-person and/or streaming lectures will be supported by the projection of presentations with images and texts.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, to be held in person (if possible) or on a streaming platform. The first question is always chosen by the candidate. Average duration of the exam, ca. 30 min. The verification will take into account not only the acquired competences but also the expositive abilities and the rigor of the reasoning in the exposition. In addition, the skills acquired in itinere through the Forum activity will also be taken into account.
Other information
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