cod. 1008570

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - First semester
Fabrizio AMERINI
Academic discipline
Storia della filosofia medievale (M-FIL/08)
Storia della filosofia
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

This course will reinforce the students' tools for critical, informed and
independent judgment, and their skills for communication and continuing
education. In particular, after this course, students will develop the
following abilities of acquiring knowledge and understanding (Dublin
Descriptor I): students will be made able to know the philosophical,
theological, and scientific thought of the Middle Ages; to read and
understand the classical texts of medieval philosophy; to acquire the
terminology of medieval philosophy and of the different philosophical
methods required for the discussion of topics and the interpretation of
medieval texts; to be acquainted with and assess the historiography of
medieval philosophy. After this course, students will also develop the
following abilities to apply the acquired knowledge and understanding
(Dublin Descriptor II): students will be made able to compose clear,
documented and argumentbased papers; to apply knowledge in
interdisciplinary fields; to reconstruct and follow the genesis and
development of a concept, a doctrine and/or a philosophical debate; to
explain the connection of ideas between the history of medieval
philosophy and other areas of science and philosophy, in particular
ancient, late-antique and early-modern philosophy as well as theology;
toreconstruct and assess a cultural and/or inter-cultural context, with
particular attention to the interplay of the different positions that are
involved. Finally, after this course, students will develop the following
communication and learning skills and abilities of making independent
judgments (Dublin Descriptors III - IV - V): students will be made able to
critically evaluate a philosophical text, both from a historical and a
philosophical, philological and/or textual point of view; to assess the
arguments used in a philosophical debate and/or text in order to decide a claim, to resolve a problem and/or to defend a thesis; to criticize a
philosophical position, an argument and/or a topic, by
correctly setting it in its proper historical and/or textual context; to assess
concepts as to their developments and their relations, also with regard to
other disciplinary areas; to know how reconstructing and following,
historically as well as philosophically, the genesis of a concept, a problem
and/or a philosophical debate; to communicate the acquired knowledge
and ablities of analysis and judgment in a clear, documented, complete
and logically consequential and well-organized way, both orally and
through written papers; to evaluate accurately and to reconstruct
completely their learning process and the skills, abilities and knowledge
they have acquired.


The course is addressed to students already acquainted with the history of medieval
philosophy. It is recommended, moreover, the knowledge of Latin and a
good acquaintance with the history of philosophy in general and with the
history of ancient philosophy in particular.

Course unit content

Title of the course: "Christian Philosophy and the Middle Ages".

The course offers a historical-philosophical reconstruction of the notion of 'Christian philosophy', developed by the nineteenth- and twentieth-century historiography to express the essence of the latin medieval philosophy. The course will illustrate the genesis of this notion, the main historiographic questions and discussions about this notion and finally some texts traditionally considered as examples of Christian philosophy.

Full programme

2022 is the centenary of the first edition of "La Philosophie au Moyen Age", the handbook by Etienne Gilson that profoundly influenced the medieval historiography of the last century. Gilson devoted many publications to defining and clarifying the image of the medieval Latin philosophy as a Christian philosophy. The course intends to reconsider the origin of this notion and to discuss its significance, also through the analysis of the philosophy of an author, Thomas Aquinas, who was placed by Gilson at the peak of the medieval Christian philosophy.



1) E. Gilson, "La filosofia nel Medioevo. Dalle origini patristiche alla fine del XIV secolo", BUR, Milano 2011.

2) E. Gilson, "Introduzione alla filosofia cristiana", Massimo, Milano 1982 (the text will be made available at the beginning of the course).

3) Tommaso d'Aquino, "L'ente e l'essenza", a cura di P. Porro, Bompiani, Milano 2002.

Teaching methods

Oral lessons. During the lessons the topics that will be discussed are
those of the general contents of the course. Lessons can be
supplemented by seminars devoted to the reading and discussion of
medieval texts, to which students are invited to attend actively.
Seminars may be developed in collaboration with external professors.
Lessons will be in presence and will be
video recorded. The links for the videos will be indicated
on the ELLY platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

Students' knowledge and understanding skills, and their abilities to apply
them, will be verified through a final oral exam.
Average duration of the exam is about 30 min.
The types of questions are determined by the features of students’
education and learning that need to be verified.
In particular, the oral exam aims to verify: 1) the degree of students’
historical and philosophical formation and preparation, both with respect
to the primary sources and the secondary literature; 2) students’ ability
to assess and compare texts, interpretations of texts, and
historiographical theses; 3) the ability to understand, analyze, and
contextualize philosophical texts.
If students wish, they may submit a written paper on the text indicated in
the bibliography for discussion in the final exam.
The final score (on scale 0-30) is the result of the written paper and the
oral exam.
The oral exam will be evaluated according to three criteria: 1) speech
clearness and accuracy; 2) critical thinking and independent judgment; 3)
ability to analyze and contextualize a philosophical text and/or a problem.
The exam is passed if the minimum grade of 18/30 is reached.The final
mark will be awarded according to the following scheme: 30 and
praise: excellent; solid preparation and extensive knowledge of medieval
philosophy, excellent expressive skills, capacity of comprehension and
analysis of texts, concepts, topics and/or arguments of medieval
philosophy complete and exhaustive; 30: excellent; complete and
adequate knowledge, excellent analysis skills, correct and well articulated expression; 27-29: very good; more than satisfactory knowledge, adequate analysis skills and essentially correct and structured
expression; 24-26: good; good but not complete knowledge, satisfactory analysis skills and not always correct expression; 21-23: discrete; discrete
knowledge although superficial, sometimes unsatisfactory analysis skills and inappropriate ability to express; 18-20: sufficient;
acceptable but very superficial knowledge, unsatisfactory analysis skills, often inappropriate expression;
0-17: insufficient; the preparation shows important gaps in terms of knowledge of the content, lack of clarity in exposition, inability
to understand and analyze texts, concepts, topics and/or arguments of
medieval philosophy.

Other information

Two or three dates are scheduled for every session of exams, as
indicated in the public calendar.