Learning objectives
Provide the student with a theoretical knowledge of basic computer science on the technologies available today.
At the end of the course the student must be able to know the basic characteristics of the computer, the potential of the network as regards the sharing of resources and data, access to programs of more common use for writing and data entry . Describe the possible applications of PCs in medicine with regard to the acquisition and analysis of signals and images, management of the department, support in clinical decision and teaching.
The aim of the EXCEL course is to acquire the ability to create spreadsheets with the use of various types of data and the correct application of formats, use of formulas with mathematical operators and functions, use of multimedia objects and graphics, preparation of relationships with more sheets and layout criteria.
The aim of the course is to understand the logic of the program and to assimilate the basic commands useful for the preparation of documents with the formatting and layout criteria, both for the preparation of document types "Letter" and "Report".
Course unit content
Introduction to Computer Science and Computer Use
General Concepts on the principles of operation
Functional analysis of the structure of a computer
Hardware: CPU Memory I / O devices
Binary system and Boolean operators
Information (text, numbers, images, sounds, ...) and its digital representation
Basic software and operating systems
Application software
Overview of programs and algorithms
Computer networks
Local networks and geographical networks
Internet and its applications
Functional classification of application programs
Presentation of application programs for word processing, presentations, spreadsheets, application programs supplied with the S.O. Windows
Use of the Internet (navigation, e-mail)
General concepts on the computer and medicine relationship
Introduction to computer security, legal references and general concepts, and signs of digital signature
Use of word processing applications (Word) and spreadsheets (Excel)
Full programme
Brief notes on the historical evolution from the first inventions from 1600 to today
Introduction to Computer Science and Computer Use
General Concepts on the principles of operation
Functional analysis of the structure of a computer
Hardware: CPU Memory I / O devices
Binary system and Boolean operators
Information (text, numbers, images, sounds, ...) and its digital representation
Basic software and operating systems
Application software
Overview of programs and algorithms
Computer networks
Local networks and geographical networks
Internet and its applications
Functional classification of application programs
Presentation of application programs for word processing, presentations, spreadsheets, programs.
Use of the Internet (navigation, e-mail)
General concepts on the computer and medicine relationship
Introduction to computer security, legal references and general concepts, and signs of digital signature.
Arguments Excel:
• Program versions and compatibility and conversion features (.XLS .XLSX)
• Elements of the Excel window
• Use of toolbars
• Opening and saving of documents even with cryptography
• Entry of text, number, serial numbers and application of the relative formats
• Insertion of formulas with mathematical operators and functions
• Application of SUBTOTALS
• Assignment of cell names
• Filter management, sorts
• Copying and moving cell contents and formulas, addressing types: Absolute, Relative, and Mixed
• Print and print preview
• Number Formats, Text, Date, Time, Font Types, Colors, Alignments, Borders, Fills, Series, Protection
• Page breaks
• Headers and footers
• Automatic numbering and automatic date
• Image processing and multimedia objects
• Insertion and management of graphs
• Links between cells and references in formulas even between different sheets and excel folders, implications of copying and pasting of formulas
WORD Arguments:
• Program versions and compatibility and conversion features (.DOC .DOCX)
• Elements of the Word window and elements and multiple management of documents
• Use of toolbars
• Opening and saving of documents even with cryptography
• Criteria for entering and editing text
• Manual and automatic correction
• Copy and move text
• Layout mode
• Print and print preview
• Character formats
• Copy of text format
• Paragraph formats
• Styles
• Margins
• Return
• Absolute and ruler tabulations
• Page breaks
• Headers and footers
• Automatic page numbering and automatic date setting
• Insertion of images from files, Clipart, Wordart, Forms
• Layout with images and text
• Tables
• Footnotes
• Bookmarks
• Hypertext links
• The glossary
• Application and creation of styles
• Creating an automatic summary and update
• Creation of an automatic index and update
• Texts in newspaper style columns
Introduzione ai sistemi informatici D. Sciuto, G. Buonanno, W. Fornaciari, L. Mari, Mc Graw Hill, 2004
Notes of the lessons
Help and notes for Word and Excel
Teaching methods
During the lecture the topics contained in the program of the module will be commented.
The lesson will have an interactive approach with the use of audiovisual supports and computers, will encourage classroom discussion with students, and group and individual elaborations.
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment of the achievement of the objectives set out in the module includes a written test, consisting of a multiple choice questionnaire on topics covered in the course.
An Excel and a Word document must also be prepared on the basis of the requirements established by the teacher to be presented for examination.
These documents will then be illustrated by the examining and the examiner will be able to request further modifications and implementations.