cod. 1000331

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Filosofia morale (M-FIL/03)
Istituzioni di filosofia
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The course of Philosophical Anthropology (6 credits) aims to reach knowledge of some important anthropological-philosophical issues, also in their connections with historical, political and religious situations, mainly through the reading and analysis of classical texts of Western thought. The goal is to reach their full understanding and critical evaluation, especially in light of the contemporary condition of the human being.
At the end of the course, students will have acquired the ability to understand and explore aspects and problems of contemporary philosophical thought. The course aims to promote the active participation of students in the exposition and discussion of the fundamental themes tackled, promoting a reworking useful for understanding and strengthening the abil-ity to present individual points of view and opinions.


No particular disciplinary skills are required. The courses have no prerequisites for admission other than the normal knowledge acquired during high school and a basic degree.

Course unit content

After a short introduction about the meaning of the investigation of human nature in the history of Western philosophy, the course will consider some outcomes of thought dedicated to the technique, following the guideline proposed by Guenther Anders.

Full programme

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Per il corso della prof.ssa Rasini
Testi obbligatori:
- G. Anders, L'uomo è antiquato, vol. 1, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2003 (vol. I, pp. 57-120);
- G. Anders, Il mondo dopo l'uomo, Mimesis, Milano 2008;
- G. Anders, L'ultima vittima di Hiroshima, Mimesis Milano, 2016;
- M.T. Pansera, Tecnica, Guida, Napoli 2013
- V. Rasini, A partire dalla fine, in M. Latini e A. Meccariello, L'uomo e la (sua) fine, Asterios, Trieste 2014, pp. 105-119;
- V. Rasini, Apocalittici e dannati, S&F_, n. 8, 2012, pp. 35-45

- Si consiglia: N. Mattucci, Tecnocrazia e analfabetismo emotivo, Milano, Mimesis, 2018.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons, in Italian language. The courses include reading and commenting on key parts of classical reference texts. There will be no exercises, but the lessons will be interactive, encouraging participation and discus-sion with the students. Theoretical and historical knowledge will be intertwined. Frequency is not required, but is considered essential and therefore strongly recommended. Those who are unable to attend the lessons will have to agree with the professor on any additions to be made to the exam.Some addi-tional teaching materials will be available on Moodle.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examinations take place in oral form, in the form of a semi-structured interview between the professor and the candidate, lasting approximately 20 minutes, during which the candi-date is asked a number of questions relating to the course content. Points will be assigned ac-cording to the following criteria: (1) correctness of the answer, (2) accuracy of the wording, (3) use of appropriate and discipline-specific terminology, and (4) completeness of informa-tion. The final mark will be assigned on the overall assessment of the interview: In-sufficient (<18/30); Sufficient (18-20/30); Fair (21-24/30); Good (25-27/30); Excellent (28-30/30 cum laude). Oral examinations are held during the course calendar and students wishing to sit them must register for each exam using the Esse3 platform.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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