Learning objectives
The course aims to allow the student to acquire
1. basic knowledge of cell and tissue injury and key response mechanisms (inflammation, hemostasis, repair), as well as basic knowledge cancer biology;
2. the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to conditions of interest for their future professional activity;
3. a terminology adequate to the field of general pathology.
Adequate bases of biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, anatomy
Course unit content
The course will concern on the following content:
Cell injury and cell death.
Hemostasis and hemostatic diseases.
Tissue repair.
Elements of oncology.
Full programme
Cell injury and death:
- Causes of cell damage
- Adaptations
- Apoptosis and necrosis
- Post-necrotic changes
The inflammatory response:
- The dynamics of inflammation
- Classification
- Hyperemia, essudate, leukocyte migration
- The cells of inflammation
- The mediators: exogenous, cellular, plasmatic
- Systemic manifestations
- Disorders of the inflammatory response.
- The phases and the mechanisms
- Haemorrhagic disease
- Thrombosis
- Embolism
- Infarction
Tissue repair:
- Mechanism of tissue repair
- Disorders of tissue repair.
Elements of oncology:
- Nomenclature
- Epidemiology
- Benign and malignant tumors
- Metastasis ed invasive growth
- Cancer etiology
- Host-tumor relationships
- Grading e Staging
Maier "Patologia Generale e Fisiopatologia per le professioni sanitarie", McGraw Hill, 2ed, 2014.
Didactic resources used during lessons (ie, power point slides) have to be considered integral part of the reference bibliography; they will be available on the Elly site, on the course page.
Teaching methods
The course will be held through lectures. In case the COVID-related emergence continues, frontal lessons will proceed remotely through the Teams platform (for instructions, see http://selma.unipr.it).
Examples referred to conditions relevant for the physiotherapeutic practice will be provided so as to elicit interest for the subjects. Lessons will be carried out with the help of slides elaborated by the teacher, that will be made available to students on the Elly site (https://elly2020.medicina.unipr.it/) at the course pages; lessons will be open to wide discussion with the participation of the students.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam, aiming to ascertain the results obtained on the basis of the proposed goals. In particular, the student will be asked to discuss one of the subjects indicated in the program. The candidate should use the proper terms to describe the physiopathological mechanisms and to apply them to situations of interest for her/his profession.
The inability to answer a question (or at least ascertained inability to provide a correct definition of the pathological phenomenon subject of the application) will result in not passing the exam.
The student will be evaluated with votes ranging from 0 to 30, with 18 being the lowest vote to positively pass the exam.
The final vote will be decided by mutual agreement among the teachers of the integrated course.
In case of the persistence of the health emergency, the exams will be conducted remotely, as follows: remote oral questions, through the Teams platform (guide http://selma.unipr.it/). Students with SLD / BSE must first contact Le Eli-che: support for students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S. (https://sea.unipr.it/it/servizi/le-eli-che-supporto-studenti-con-disabilita-dsa-bes)
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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