Learning objectives
The course aims to enable students to get basic knowledgment and understanding in Latin philology and textual criticism by reading Latin authors in their original language and in critical edition, providing at the same time a linguistic and stylistic commentary of the text. They will be able to apply their knowledgment and understanding for a first, self analysis of Latin texts, showing a good competence in translation, in gathering and interpreting data and in informing judgements about social and cultural context. They will be able to communicate clearly basic information and ideas about textual criticism, in order to undertake further studies in classic subjects and also to begin with critical attitude a working activity.
12 CFU in the subject area of Latin Language and Litterature are required. Pass a second preliminary written exam ("prova scritta latino 2"), if students have already gained 18 credits in the same SDA (latin language and literature, L-FIL-LET/04).
Course unit content
I. Institutional Part.
Excursus on Latin Philology from the Antiquity to the present days. The most important manuscripts in the history of the classical tradition will be examined through the digital reproductions now available on line.
II. Monographic Part
"Plus in amore ualet Mimnermi uersus Homero". The first book by Propertius: problems of textual criticism and interpretation.
I. Institutional Part.
1. Leighton D. Reynolds-Nigel G. Wilson, "Copisti e Filologi. La tradizione dei classici dall’antichità ai tempi moderni", III ed., Padova, Antenore, 1987, oppure IV ed., riveduta e ampliata, Roma-Padova, Antenore, 2016, (Medioevo e umanesimo, 121);
2. Alfonso Traina-Giorgio Bernardi Perini, "Propedeutica al latino universitario", VI ed. riv. e aggiornata, a cura di Claudio Marangoni; rist. a cura di Alfonso Traina e Bruna Pieri, Bologna, Pàtron, 2007 (Testi e manuali per l'insegnamento universitario del latino, 9), chapter VIII: "La critica del testo".
3. Domestic reading: Cicerone, "De divinatione", libro I, nella ed. Marco Tullio Cicerone, "Della divinazione", a cura di Sebastiano Timpanaro, Milano, Garzanti, 1988, and reprints (I grandi libri Garzanti, 360). On this edition please see Sergio Audano, “Rileggendo il De divinatione di Timpanaro”, in “Omaggio a Sebastiano Timpanaro”, a cura di Walter Lapini, in «Sileno. Rivista semestrale di studi classici e cristiani fondata da Quintino Cataudella», a. XXXIX, ff. 1-2, 2013, pp. 13-24.
II. Monographic Part
Critical edition: "Sexti Properti Elegiarum libri IV", edidit Paulus Fedeli, editio correctior, Stutgardiae et Lipsiae, in aedibus B. G. Teubneri, 1994 (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana).
Edition with the Italian translation: Sesto Properzio, "Elegie", introduzione di Paolo Fedeli, traduzione di Luca Canali, commento di Riccardo Scarcia, Milano, Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, 1987, and reprints (BUR. L ; 602), or, Properzio, "Il libro di Cinzia (Elegie I)", a cura di Paolo Fedeli e Rosalba Dimundo, traduzione di Angelo Tonelli, Venezia, Marsilio, 1994, and reprints, (Il convivio; Letteratura universale Marsilio).
Commentary: Sesto Properzio, "Il primo libro delle Elegie", introduzione, testo critico e commento a cura di Paolo Fedeli, Firenze, Olschki, 1980 (Studi / Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere La Colombaria, 53).
A list of critical readings will be supplied during the course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and exercises. All the didactic material (tables, slides, etc.) used during the course will be uploaded on the "Elly" platform, https://elly2021.dusic.unipr.it/
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam consists of an interview covering syllabus topics. Students will show their basic competence in translating the authors proposed during frontal lessons and in reading critical text and critical apparatus of these authors; in giving a basic account of the history of Latin philology. . Students will be assessed on:written and oral proficiency; language property; working out contents; ability to make inter-disciplinary connections; proper use of specialist language; ability to give proper answers to given questions.Students will have to score a minimum of 60 percent or better of the given questions to get a pass grade.
Other information
Please contact the teacher to schedule a meeting: phone number +39.0521.90 6693 - +39.339.75 36 503; e-mail: simone.gibertini@unipr.it