Student registry office

The Student registry office handles the administrative aspects of the curriculum, from enrolment to graduation.

The Student registry office provides information on bureaucratic procedures relating to, for example:

  • pre-enrolment;
  • enrolment;
  • fees and contributions;
  • programme of study and student career;
  • exam validation procedures;
  • incoming or outgoing transfers;
  • transfer from or to another degree course at the University;
  • withdrawal from studies or suspension/resumption of career;
  • graduation procedure;
  • registration for individual exams.

Further information is available on the Department's website.

Online registry services - ESSE3

Students can autonomously manage many aspects of their university career electronically through the Esse3 portal and online registry services.

Student registry office for humanities courses

Address: via D'Azeglio 85/A, ground floor (with access from the internal courtyard)


Telephone: 800 90 40 (the University Contact Centre will answer in the first instance)

To book online receptions via the Teams platform, follow the information published on the page of the University website dedicated to student registry offices.