Transfers and course transitions

General information on transfers to or from another university (incoming or outgoing transfers) and course transitions can be found on the University's Transfer, Course Transfers and Options page.
Dates for transfers and transitions can be found on the page of the Department's website on deadlines for matriculations, enrolments, transitions and transfers.

Validation of examinations

When transferring or changing course, and in the other cases specified below, students may request recognition of examinations previously taken in other courses or at other universities (validation). The request must be made formally at the time of enrolment using the form attached on this page.
It is possible to apply for the validation of examinations in the following cases:

  • transfer from another university campus;
  • change of course of study or system;
  • change of curriculum within the Literature course;
  • new enrolment as a second degree;
  • new enrolment after withdrawal from a previous course of study or in the event of disqualification from another course of study;
  • passing examinations or carrying out training activities outside the University of Parma or in previous university courses.


How to request validation of examinations

To request validation, an Application for Evaluation (form attached) must be submitted at the time of enrolment or course transfer. The application, duly completed and signed, should be sent in pdf format to the Student registry office and, for information, to the Course Didactic Quality Manager (CQM) Dr. Valentina Galeotti.
The application must be accompanied by a certificate (or self-certification) of the educational activities undertaken (degree, diploma or individual examinations) in which the exact names of the examinations, the relevant scientific-disciplinary sector (SSD), the ECTS credits accrued for each activity, the date on which the examinations were passed, and the university and degree course of origin are clearly indicated.

Any language certificates should also be attached.


Request for prior assessment

Before starting procedures for a transfer, course change or re-registration as a second degree, it is possible to request, for guidance purposes, a prior assessment of university ECTS credits. The purpose of the request is to define which examinations can be validated as part of the course of study in the Humanities: prior to actual enrolment, professors can provide informal advice on the number of examinations and ECTS credits that can be validated according to the programme of study.
Prior assessment may be required in all the above cases for validations.

To request the prior assessment of examinations and training activities, please send an e-mail to the course contact persons:

In this case too, the request must be accompanied by a certificate or self-certification of the training activities undertaken (degree, diploma or individual examinations) in which the exact names of the examinations, the relevant scientific-disciplinary sector (SSD), the ECTS credits accrued for each activity, the date on which the examination was passed, as well as the university and the degree course are listed.

Any language certificates should also be attached.


Outcome of the validation request

The request for validation or pre-assessment will be examined in the first instance by the special committee formed by Prof. Marco Gentile (President of the Degree Course) and course referees Prof. Carlo Varotti and Prof. Paolo Rinoldi.

The commission will inform the student concerned of the outcome of this initial assessment.
The actual validation, which will appear in the online Academic transcript, will then be discussed and approved by the Course Council after finalisation of enrolment.


The course referees, Prof. Carlo Varotti (A-L students) and Prof. Paolo Rinoldi (M-Z students), are available for any queries regarding the didactic aspects of validations.

In relation to validation requests, students are invited to consult the Course programmes of study.

For information on administrative procedures for transfers and transitions, please contact the Student registry office.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Dott.ssa Valentina Galeotti
T. +39 0521 034133
Manager E.
Office E.

President of the degree course

Prof. Marco Gentile

Faculty advisor

Prof. Nicola Catelli

Prof.ssa Margherita Centenari

Prof. Simone Gibertini

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Carlo Alberto Gemignani

Referenti per piani di studio e convalide

Prof. Carlo Varotti | Studenti A-L

Prof. Paolo Rinoldi | Studenti M-Z

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Cristina Carusi | Erasmus+ SMT

Prof. Luca Iori | Erasmus+ SMS

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Paola Volpini


Prof.ssa Giulia Raboni

Tutor students

Dott. Alberto Negri

Dott.ssa Irene Rizzi