Learning objectives
1-knowing and comprehension capability
Analytical reading of texts and capability to orient oneself in reading
2 -knowing and applied comprehension capabilities
Learn to orient yourself in reading and to form your own opinion on the topics covered
3-4-5 independent judgment, communicative skills, learning capabilities
Ability to follow and learn. Capability to intervene in the discussion.
Some elementary notions of physics that can be found on the first pages of any manual.
Course unit content
The aim of the course is the verification criterion and the operational definition of meaning proposed in the context of neo-positivism. We will try to discuss these aspects starting from texts of M. Schlick, P. Bridgman and C.G. Hempel. In particular, we will read Schlick's articles contained in the anthology Between realism and neo-positivism, by Bridgman, in The operational criticism of science and by Hempel in The formation of concepts and theories in empirical science.
Full programme
Moritz Schlick characterizes his position on the verification criterion in the following way: '... a formulation of the ... criterion is Einstein's answer to the question: what is meant when we say that two events in different places occur simultaneously? The answer was the description of an experimental procedure by which it was really possible to ascertain the simultaneity of two such events ". P. Bridgman carries out similar considerations to comment on the quoted sentence. At the same time, he insists on its concept of meaning as a set of operations that can be carried out over time. Apparently Schlick's position - and more generally that of neo-positivism - seems consistent with that expressed by Bridgman in his philosophical 'intervals' (among the research he conducts in the field of physics). However, some neo-positivists, like Hempel, criticize operationism because of its vagueness; on the other hand, 'continental' neo-positivists and Bridgman himself end up incurring criticism of the verificationist doctrine of meaning and truth. We will try to discuss these aspects starting from the texts of the scientists / philosophers mentioned above. In particular, we will read Schlick's articles contained in the anthology Tra realismo e neo-positivismo, by Bridgman, in La critica operazionale della scienza and by Hempel in Fundamentals of concept formation in empirical science.
Primary sources
M. Schlick, Tra realismo e neo-positivismo, Il Mulino, Bologna 1974
P. Bridgman, La critica operazionale della scienza, Boringhieri, Torino 1969
C.G. Hempel, Fundamentals of concept formation in empirical science, University of Chicago Press 1952; trad. it. C.G. Hempel, La formazione dei concetti e delle teorie nella scienza empirica, Feltrinelli, Milano 1961
Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Giuliano Toraldo di Francia, Introduzione alla filosofia della scienza, Laterza, 1999
E. Agazzi, Temi e problemi di filosofia della fisica, ed. Abete, Roma 1974
Stathis Psillos, Martin Curd (edd), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Science, Routledge, Abingdom - New York 2008
Alex Rosenberg, Philosophy of Science, A contemporary introduction, Second Edition, Routledge, Second edition first published New York, 2005. web:
Information material:
Creath, Richard, "Logical Empiricism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), forthcoming URL= <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2020/entries/logical-empiricism/>.
Uebel, Thomas, "Vienna Circle", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), forthcoming URL = https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2020/entries/vienna-circle/
Chang, Hasok, "Operationalism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2019 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2019/entries/operationalism/>.
F. Barone, Il neopositivismo logico, Laterza, Bari 1977
Tal, Eran, "Measurement in Science", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2017 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2017/entries/measurement-science/>.
Chang, Hasok, "Operationalism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2009 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2009/entries/operationalism/>.
M. Schlick, Tra realismo e neo-positivismo, Il Mulino, Bologna 1974
P. Bridgman, La critica operazionale della scienza, Boringhieri, Torino 1969
C.G. Hempel, Fundamentals of concept formation in empirical science, University of Chicago Press 1952
Assessment methods and criteria
final written exam or, in the case of online teaching, oral exam with connection on Teaams. In the tests the following are checked in particular: 1) understanding of the texts, 2) ability to use an appropriate technical-philosophical language; 3) clarity in defining and exposing the topics addressed in the course.
Other information
Lecture notes and texts downloadable from the site: