cod. 1008573

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Filosofia politica (SPS/01)
Discipline classiche, storiche, antropologiche e politico-sociali
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to develop a path that, through the direct study of the texts, allow critical understanding of a central theme for the contemporary political philosophy. The intertwining of conceptual study, historical reconstruction and analysis of texts
would in fact allow the student the development of complex philosophical skills.



Course unit content

History and theories of human rights.
The course will be devoted to the analysis of the historical origins and the philosophical-political characteristics of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In the light of the humanitarian and social problems realized during the Second World War (problems explained by the concepts of genocide and totalitarianism), the philosophical foundations of the Declaration will be identified in the tradition of modern natural law. A relevant part of the course will also be devoted to the analysis of the main positions of defenders of human rights theory (Bobbio, Cassese, Habermas, Ignatieff), radically opposed to Marxist-based human rights critics (Jameson, Negri, Zizek) and critics who deny the universalism of human rights starting from the affirmation of cultural diversity (Taylor, Stuart Hall) represented in the Declarations of the rights of other peoples and of "non-Western" areas of the world.

Full programme

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (on the ONU web site);
A. Cassese, I diritti umani oggi (Laterza);
P.P. Portinaro, L'imperativo di uccidere. Genocidio e democidio nella storia (Laterza);
M. Ignatieff, Una ragionevole apologia dei diritti umani (Feltrinelli).
Students not attending will have to study, in addition to the texts mentioned in the bibliography, the following text: S. Forti, IL totalitarismo (Laterza).

Teaching methods

Seminar lectures with reading, presentation, interpretation and discussion of the texts, also through the reconstruction of the main historical-philosophical questions.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final test - oral exam - will focus on the texts examined during the lessons. Essential part of the exam consists in the historical-critical discussion of these texts.
Final evaluation.
30 cum laude: excellent, solid knowledge, excellent written and oral argumentative ability, complete comprehension of concepts and
arguments; active participation in lectures and discussion in the classroom;
30: very good, complete and adequate knowledge, correct and adequate expression skills; frequency of lessons;
27/29 good, satisfying knowledge, ability to express essentially correct;
24/26: knowledge fairly good, but not complete and not always correct;
21/23: acceptable but superficial knowledge. Expression often not appropriate;
18/21: sufficient, even with cognitive and / or expressive deficiencies;
Less than 18: insufficient. The preparation has serious gaps in terms of content, lack of clarity, inadequate understanding of concepts and

Other information

On the basis of the Dublin descriptors, at the end of the course the students will have to demonstrate: (a) to possess knowledge and
understanding skills that extend and / or reinforce those developed during the first cycle of philosophical studies and allow original
elaborations and interpretations, often in a research context; (b) to apply their knowledge, comprehension skills and skills in solving problems to new issues, included in wider (or interdisciplinary) contexts related to
philosophical studies; (c) to be able to integrate knowledge and manage complexity, as well as to formulate judgments, including reflection on
social and ethical responsibilities related to the application of their knowledge and judgments; (d) to be able to communicate their conclusions, as well as their underlying knowledge, to specialists and non-specialists in a clear and unambiguous manner; (e) to have developed those learning skills that enable them to continue to study mostly in an autonomous way.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

President of the degree course

Prof. Wolfgang Huemer
E. wolfgang.huemer@unipr.it

Faculty advisors

Prof. Roberto Pinzani
E. roberto.pinzani@unipr.it
Prof.ssa Irene Binini
E. irene.binini@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Andrea Bianchi
E. andreabianchi@unipr.it

Tutor Professors

Prof. Wolfgang Huemer

E. wolfgang.huemer@unipr.it

Prof. Matteo V. D'Alfonso  
E. matteovincenzo.dalfonso@unife.it

Modena e Reggio Emilia
Prof.ssa Annalisa Coliva 
E. annalisa.coliva@unimore.it

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Wolfgang Huemer
E. wolfgang.huemer@unipr.it
Prof. Italo Testa
E. italo.testa@unipr.it

Quality assurance delegate

Prof. Pierfrancesco Fiorato
E. pierfrancesco.fiorato@unipr.it


Prof. Gemmo Iocco

E. gemmo.iocco@unipr.it

Prof. Andrea Gatti

E. andrea.gatti@unife.it

Modena e Reggio Emilia
Prof. Giacomo Scarpelli

E. giacomo.scarpelli@unimore.it

Tutor students

Dott. ssa Leda Bonifai
E. leda.bonifai@studenti.unipr.it