cod. 1008058

Academic year 2022/23
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Diritto penale (IUS/17)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
54 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to train students able to understand and analyse the macro phenomena of economic crime as well as related to the Public Administration.
At the end of the course the student is expected to know the fundamentals of economic criminal law and public administration; is able to face and solve application problems independently, also knowing how to communicate the results achieved in learning.


Course unit content

The course in the first part deals with the discussion of the principles and institutions of the general part of criminal law, with a continuous comparison with the main crimes of economic criminal law. In the second part, the focus will be on the main crimes against the Public Administration.

Full programme


As for the study relating to the general part of criminal law, analyzed through the main hypotheses of economic crimes, the reference text is: Istituzioni di diritto penale dell’economia/ Alessio Lanzi, Stefano Putinati. - Dike Giuridica Editrice, IV edizione.
As for the in-depth analysis of the special part relating to crimes against the Public Administration, the reference text is the following seguente Fiore Stefano, Amarelli Giuseppe, I delitti dei Pubblici Ufficiali contro la Pubblica Amministrazione, Utet giuridica, 2021.
Constant consultation of the CRIMINAL CODE is essential.

Teaching methods

Frontal lesson and analysis of jurisprudential cases, in a seminar-like perspective. The study of these topics, in fact, will always be accompanied by case studies. Active participation in class will be requested, in a seminar-like perspective.
The main tax, corporate and bankruptcy crimes will also be studied with the attending students.
Attendance to classes is highly recommended.
The teaching materials used during the lessons will be made available on Elly.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam consists of an oral test on the topics of the program. In the oral exam, questions will be addressed on the foundations of economic criminal law and the Public Administration, on its specificities, on the main offenses. It will also be verified that the student is able to use the specific terminology of the discipline. For those attending the program, which will take into account attendance and related exercises, will be agreed at the end of the course.
Students with SLD / SEN are invited to report their needs privately, by institutional e-mail to the teacher, well in advance of the exam session.

Other information

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development