Course unit partition: PARMA

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - Second semester
Giorgia SQUERI
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative (MED/48)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
21 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

Know the principles of postural analysis, the correct postural alignments and recognize them in the different planes and body axes.
Acquire the ability to analyze the postural attitude of a healthy individual in the different planes of space, checking its bone, joint and muscle components.
Acquire the basic skills for a correct palpatory examination and the ability to identify the bone, tendon and muscle landmarks.
Acquire the technical language necessary for the comparison between professionals in relation to the physical examination.


Knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and kinesiology of the upper limb, shoulder-humeral girdle, lower limb, pelvis, cervical, dorsal, lumbar and sacral coccygeal spine.

Course unit content

Definition and purposes of the physical examination and kinesiological evaluation.
The phases of the physical examination will be illustrated from a theoretical and practical point of view: observation, palpation, evaluation of the active and passive joint excursion, evaluation of muscle function in light of the principles of biomechanics.
Strength and extensibility tests of bi-articular and mono-articular muscles.
Practical laboratory with students on observation of alignments on different levels, inspection and palpation of the skin, bone remains, muscle masses and tendon structures of all body areas, assessment of strength and muscle extensibility.

Full programme

MED48 -3 CFU
20 theoretical / practical hours
Course title: "Physical and muscolar examination"
Teacher: FT. Giorgia Squeri
Definition and purposes of the physical examination and kinesiological evaluation, definition of posture.
The phases of the physical examination: observation and palpation of all body areas.
The muscle test: definition, the muscles (action, origin and insertion), the main muscle tests.
Practical laboratory with students on observation of alignments in different body planes, observation and palpation of the skin, bone remains, muscle masses and tendon structures of all body areas and main muscle tests.


H.M.Clarkson "Valutazione Chinesiologica "Edizioni Ermes
Kendall,McCreary,Provance"I Muscoli funzioni e test, postura e dolore " (IV edizione) Edizioni Verducci
Donald A. Neumann. Chinesiologia del sistema muscoloscheletrico. Piccin
S. Sahrmann. Valutazione Funzionale e Trattamento delle Sindromi da Disfunzione di Movimento. UTET, 2005
S. Sahrmann e Coll. Sindromi da Disfunzione del Sistema di Movimento. Elsevier, 2012
Serge Tixa. Atlante di anatomia palpatoria. Vol 1 Arto inferiore e Vol 2 Collo tronco arto superiore. Masson editore

Teaching methods

Frontal theoretical lessons will be adopted alternating with practices guided by the teacher with practical demonstration on healthy subjects and practical workshops among students.
The practical workshops provide students with suitable clothing: tracksuit, swimsuit, shorts.
The laboratories foresee the description and the practical demonstration of: observation of the alignments on the different planes, research of landmarks, bones, tendons, muscles; description and demonstration of protractor tests; description and practical demonstration of muscle length tests; observation and evaluation of the position of the shoulder blades and their measurement as well as for the upper, lower limbs and spine.

Assessment methods and criteria

There are two ways of verifying learning: the ongoing verification and the final oral exam.
The ongoing verification, which is agreed with the students at the beginning of the course and is divided into two parts:
written part (description of procedures and techniques for assessing the physical examination)
practical part (practical demonstration of: observation and research of bone, tendon, muscle landmarks).

Other information

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