Learning objectives
The students are requested to recognize peculiar literary-historical conditions within which Svevo worked. Then, mostly, they are requested to reach on the texts of Svevo (conducted by the teacher) competence and judgment skills which is assumed the Master’s level students should accomplish.
Those who throughout their Bachelor’s studies haven’t obtained a specific preparation in Contemporary Italian Literature, particularly concerning the Nineteenth and Twentieth century, will have to fill this gap on their own, possibly using a good and updated secondary school anthology.
Course unit content
Italian Modernism inside European Modernism
The course, by dealing with some renowned works of fiction, aims to tackle one of the most debated critical issues of the present: the existence of an Italian modernism, and its critical definition. Therewith, some connected questions are to be raised: the legacy (and the contours) of Verismo and Decadentismo, as well as the liaisons between Italian Modernism and the culture of European Modernism.
Full programme
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1. Tortora (a cura di), Il modernismo italiano, Carocci, 2018
2. Svevo, Senilità, edizione consigliata a cura di C. Benussi, Feltrinelli
3. Palazzeschi, Il codice di Perelà. Romanzo futurista (edizione 1911), a cura di M. Marchi, Mondadori
4. Tozzi, Con gli occhi chiusi, edizione consigliata a cura di O. Cecchi, prefazione di G. Celati, Feltrinelli
5. Tozzi, Giovani, a cura di G. Bertoncini, Quodlibet
6. Pirandello, Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio operatore, edizione consigliata a cura di S. Micali, Feltrinelli
NB: There is no additional work for students who are not able to attend the lessons
NB2: Some selected critical materials will be posted on the platform Elly
Teaching methods
Mainly frontal lessons
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment will normally be oral. The evaluation criteria will concern the acquisition of background information on the subject and, at the same time, the ability of analytical description and critical interpretation of the texts.
Other information
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